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It's been a week with Aeron. Whenever I go to work he does online school at the apartment. I put cameras in the living room to check in on him.

Dazai has been sleeping over every now and then. Of course Aeron is still attached to Dazai.

"(Y/n)! I'm bored!" Dazai pouts as we're the only ones in the office.

Everyone else was out on a mission.

"Do your work then," I sigh.

After that Dazai and I sit in silence until Atsushi gets back.

"I ran into Akutagawa again," he sighs.

I've heard about Akutagawa but I'm unsure of who he is.

Chuuya has said that Dazai traumatized him for life.

"Atsushi, isn't this your third time running into him?" Dazai sighs.

"Yes I'm sorry! It's like he just knows where I am all the time," Atsushi whines.

"I'll be back," I mumbled as I walk out the building.

Dazai follows behind till we reach the front doors.

"Where are you going?" He asks as he grabs my hand. "We're at work."

"I get that, I'm taking my lunch break," I explain.

"Kunikida is not going to be happy," he whines. "I'm the one that gets blamed for it too!"

"Tell him it was my idea. If he gets mad take it out on me when I get back," I escape his grip and walk away.

Moments before this I got a text message from my boss. It said he's coming down to check in on me. I know it's just to convince me to go back now. That's why I'm rushing out, Aeron is home alone and I'm not sure how he'd feel about a guy standing outside.

As soon as I got to my apartment I checked to see if Aeron was alright.

"Aeron, you okay?" I yelled as I searched the house.

"Yeah I'm fine," he mentions from the bedroom.

"Okay, I'll be back," I sigh.

"You never told me you had your brother," he appears behind me as soon as I close the door.

"It was unnecessary information," I stand up tall.

"I practically raised you, I deserve to know," he argues.

"What do you want?" I change the subject.

"I want to know if you're going to kill him or come back with me," he replies.

"He says he doesn't know much, I have a feeling he knows more than he's leading on. I'm not going to kill him though," I sigh, knowing he'll hate that answer.

"If you know he knows more than that, why not just kill him? What did you get attached again? Remember what happened last time you got attached to someone," he tries to get into my head.

"Yes I do remember, but it's not like that. Aeron doesn't want to go to the United States, and he doesn't want to leave Dazai," I mumble.

"The kid is holding you back. Don't make it a repeat," he scoffs as he walks off.

I push back my feelings as I so badly just wanted to cry.

Aeron opens the door as fast as he could.

"Who the hell was that?!" He snaps.

"No one, I'm going back to work," I hold back my tears as I try to walk out of the building.

Surprise surprise, Dazai shows up.

"Aeron sent me an audio! Who the hell was that person?" He demands answers.

"No one important, my lunch break should be over soon. I must get back," I push past him.

My mind was set on the mission once again. No more time for feelings. This is the exact thing that happened last time. After this mission he'll probably give me the missions in our state again.

"The president was updated what happened, I'm sure he won't care about you skipping a bit of work," Dazai scoffs as he drags me into the apartment with Aeron.

"Listen, I figured you were apart of the traveling killers. That was already noticeable; but you have an opportunity to stay with us at the agency. You don't need to listen to your boss," Dazai sits me down on the couch.

Aeron and Dazai were both next to me as if I'd try to run.

"When did you figure out?" I ask.

"Around when I looked at your wallet. I saw a note in there but wasn't able to read it fully. There was also when you kept bringing it up, and even when you said you moved from the United States," he thinks back to all the mess ups I did.

"We'll then good, I'll go back," I mutter.

"If that's what you want, but I'll be forced to hand you in. Based on what you said to your boss; you aren't planning to kill me either," Dazai recalls.

"Don't do it, I know you enjoy being here. I don't know what happened in your past, but this is your future. It's not the same," Aeron pleads.

I stay quiet as Aeron clings onto me and Dazai keeps his distance.

"If you want to go, go. I wont force you to stay," Dazai says after awhile.

His voice didn't sound hurt but he refused to look at me while he said it.

"Even if I don't go back, he'll find me. He always does," I mumble.

"That's why you asked about moving to the United States," Aeron says to himself.

"The president would keep you and Aeron both safe if you wanted to stay. He's not just some powerless old man," Dazai mentions.

I think about my options. I know the boss, he won't stop until he gets me back. Unless he somehow dies, he won't give up.

I put my feet up on the couch so I'm a little ball as Aeron still clings to me. Dazai puts his arm around me and we just sit in silence.

"We can try that." I mumble after moments of silence.

"I'll text the president," I knew Dazai was smiling just a little as he messages him without removing his arm from me.

Since he didn't remove his arm; his phone was almost directly in front of me.

His past texts with the president were also about me. Not much was said, mostly about the current situation.

The President answers almost immediately. He said to bring us down as he wants to keep us in his watch for now.

"Is the President scary?" Aeron asks.

"No, he's friendly," I reply.

Dazai drives us to the office without another word being said.

His hand stayed on my thigh the whole drive there.

Once we got there the President didn't have much to say.

"(Y/n), I'd like you and Aeron to stay in a basement. It has full length security and everything you'd need to survive a few days," he mentions.

"I assuming you also knew?" I ask.

"Yeah, but I knew you had good in you," he smiled as he showed us all the room.

We all had a separate room within it has we all claimed the one we wanted.

The President left us alone as we all went to our rooms for the night

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