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It only lasted for two seconds, possibly even less, but it felt like forever when Wooyoung drunkenly smacked his lips against Seonghwa's. Even through the loud music, Yeosang could have sworn he heard the sound of the two set of lips colliding, and it bursted through his eardrums and straight down into his heart, tearing it apart.

His hands curled into fists, as blood was rushing to his head and every muscle in his body was tensing up. He wasn't only angry, he was hurt - more than he had ever been before. Fuck the fact that it was just "a game", to him it was so much more.

Way more.

Seonghwa laughed it off, gently and easily, like brushing dust off one's shoulder - as if it didn't matter at all. A few seconds later the game went on, but while everyone else was deeply engaged in the fun, Yeosang stormed out from the room.

Unluckily, he found the door to the bathroom to be locked, and knowing he had to get away before his head exploded, he stomped down the small hallway and into San's bedroom - slamming the door behind him.

With shaking hands, and equally shaking legs, he paced around in circles trying to calm himself down. He kept repeating how it was just a game, but most importantly how Seonghwa never would see it as anything else anyway. The last argument had both a calming but also upsetting affect on Yeosang, whose mind kept waving back and forth between the two emotions.

A small creak from the door, and the light from the hallway streaming into the dimmed room, had him turn his head. But, the person looking back at him was most definitely the last he wished to see in that moment.

"Leave me alone, San," Yeosang grumbled, glaring towards the younger, who came walking into the room - sneaking almost, like a tiger about to take down its prey.

Yeosang should have known better than to hide in San's bedroom, the very same place they had had sex too many times already, but it was the only available room left in the small apartment, and leaving the place entirely would only raise too many questions. And he couldn't take the risk of leaving without Wooyoung.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2022 ⏰

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