xiv. undercover

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ALL WAS QUIET ON THE FALCON as they flew through hyperspace, heading for Tatooine. With the information they got from Lando, Luke's solidified plan, and Leia's success in finding a disguise they were finally cleared to put all their focus into rescuing Han. Leia sat in the cockpit with Chewie, the pair allowing themselves to relax for the first time in months, and the droids were up there with them, talking quietly in a way that secretly comforted the princess and the Wookiee. That left Luke and Cas, who sat silently in the hold on opposite ends of the dejarik table. They, as it happened, were in much more solemn spirits.

Nothing was wrong, per say. The fight had gone well, meaning the three of them had been the last ones conscious. Lando had told them everything they needed to know about Jabba's palace, and of course they were now allowed to put the rescue into motion. But it was still Empire Day, and while the fights helped, the adrenaline eventually wore off and she was left with only her thoughts.

Luke, as always, was concerned about her. Cassia Tarin always acted as if nothing could get to her, but he didn't need the Force to know that wasn't always the case. Alderaan's destruction had wrecked her, not to mention how it changed her life, so suddenly throwing her in an entirely new direction. She had adjusted to being a soldier and operative rather than just a protector, but it still overwhelmed her, he knew it. She had been helping the rebellion before, sure, but Leia had been her one and only priority. Now she was part of something bigger than she could have ever imagined. She was fighting in a war.

He also knew that keeping the secret of the Skywalkers had taken a toll on her too. A weight had been lifted off her shoulders when Luke found out, but she was still keeping it from Leia and he knew that hurt her. She had the weight of the galaxy on her shoulders, and that was along with the grief and the need to protect her friends and...something else that Luke couldn't quite describe but could feel deep within her. It was something he felt too, even if he didn't quite know what it was. They cared for each other in a way unique to them—it was love, and they loved each other, even if they were both too scared to admit it just yet. After all, there was a war going on.

And that was what she was left with; all those thoughts swam around in her head, refusing to go away and leave her with some time to just relax. Luke looked to her, watching as she held the cold pack to her bruised knuckles.

"Feel any better?" he asked her quietly, and they both knew he wasn't talking about her knuckles. She shrugged.

"Those men all deserved what we gave them," she began, replying without answering. She managed a small smile.
"You handled yourself well back there, even without the Force. Guess all that work we did on Hoth payed off." Luke flashed her a modest smile, but it soon fell.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice," she quipped, then sighed.
"Part of me just wonders if anything we're doing is really making a difference."

"Of course it is," he said, his answer quick but comforting. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the dejarik table.
"The Empire keeps pushing back, but do you know why? Because we're pushing first. They know we're a threat, otherwise they wouldn't bother. More and more people every day decide to side with the rebellion. All this," he gestured around generally.
"We're making them sweat, letting them know that we're tired of being mistreated. And it's working." Cas held his gaze a moment, allowing his words to properly sink in. Something about the way they looked at each other always managed to put them both at ease, and this time was no exception. Finally, she nodded.

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