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     Upon awakening, Amelia had a raging headache, but she remembered everything that happened yesterday. Gabbi's soft lips on hers. She couldn't believe it. She got ready and went downstairs for breakfast. Eleanor was on her phone, poking at her eggs. Amelia walked past her and went into the medicine cabinet. She pulled out a bottle of Advil. She opened the bottle, took one out, and threw it down her throat. She swallowed it down with water.

"Why didn't you tell me there were drugs in that soup" Amelia complained.

"Drea said she would tell you, I thought she had" she explained

"It's always Drea's idea isn't it" Amelia sighed. She went back upstairs. She got changed and started for school, smiling from ear to ear.

When she gets to school, everyone is talking about Carissa Jones and how she was growing drugs on school grounds. She sat down at the fountain, conversing with Tara, Meghan, and Montana. Minutes later, she spots Gabbi amidst the bustling grounds. She waves a see-you-later to her friends and practically skips over to the girl.

"Hey hot shot" Amelia greets her.

"Hey, spot thief" Gabbi smiles.

"Um, so yesterday.." Amelia started her sentence. Gabbi frowns slightly.

"Yeah about that, I don't remember anything about yesterday. I remember up til the part where you fell but, that's about it" Gabbi shrugged, not seeing any importance of what happened yesterday. "Why, did something happen?"

"Uh- no! I'll tell you what happened later. I've got to get to class early" Amelia excused herself and turned with a frown on her face. Meghan and Montana from a few yards away noticed the distress on their friend's face and followed her into a bathroom. They locked the door and in one of the stalls, they could hear Amelia sniffling. They knock on the stall and Amelia opens the stall door. She was sitting with her feet touching her chest. Mascara was running down her face. She looked wrecked.

"Holy shit, Gabbi did a number on you" Meghan mumbled. "Do you want me to light her hair on fire" Meghan joked.

"I really like her. I mean, I wasn't expecting her to like me back, but I just wanted her to remember what happened last night" she went into an explanation of what happened the night before. Meghan and Montana were smiling and cheering for Amelia. It cheered her up, but there was still that sinking feeling.

"It's okay babe, you got this. I think you'll have to distance yourself from her for a little bit. Sure this wasn't like she rejected you or she broke up with you, but it was a big jump into where you wanted to go" Montana advised. Amelia nodded. She was so thankful to have friends like these two. She got up, and they helped fix her makeup. They left to give her some time alone. They opened the door to leave and they saw Gabbi.

"How much of that did you hear?" Montana questioned.

"90% of it" Gabbi looked apologetic. She wasn't trying to hurt Amelia's feelings. She genuinely didn't remember what had happened, but hearing what Amelia said, she really wished she had.

"This isn't our place to handle things, but she really likes you. If you don't share the same feelings, don't lead her on."
Meghan spoke up. They gave the girl a light smile and walked away.

Gabbi entered the bathroom. Amelia turned to see her face.

"Hey, spot thief" Gabbi smiles. Amelia's expression lightens.

"Hey, hot shot" Amelia shifted her gaze to the door behind Gabbi, debating whether or not she should run out of the bathroom.

"I heard what happened. I'm being genuine Mel, I wish I remember what happened." Gabbi held both of Amelia's hands. "Please believe me" Amelia knew that Gabbi was being serious, and decided to let it go. They smiled and went to class together.


Chapter 8!? I have a different version of how the ending of this chapter plays out, but I decided to go with this one!! What do you guys think? I love you!❤️

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