Valentines Day

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     Soon, it was the awaited Valentine's Day. Couples were lovey-dovey towards each other. Everyone was filing into the  assembly hall to hear Max Broussard and his speech on the CHMEFIS (Cis Hetero Men Empowering Female Identifying Students). He started ranting on and on until Drea gave Eleanor and Amelia the signal. Phones buzzing around the entire school. Everyone was suddenly against Max. How could he cheat on Tara? Everyone was burning his papers and tearing them down. Gabbi looked at Amelia with worried eyes. She grabbed her hand and took her to where The others were. Tara was on the phone with her father's strategist.

     "Hey you ok" Gabbi asked

     "Make it stop" Max groaned from under his jacket. Gabbi patted his back and the two girls walked away. They exited the library and went to a tiny cafe. They bought drinks and went to this tiny garden all the way in the back of a park. They sat down on a bench.

     "This garden reminds me of you in a way" Gabbi smiled and shifted her gaze to the fountain in front of them

     "Oh? How so" Amelia giggled.

     "It's quiet and simple, yet beautiful. Serene, yet unpredictably magnificent" Gabbi sighed. "I think I went too into detail." She laughed lightly. She then pulled a small, cubed, box out of her tote bag. It was decorated with simple pink wrapping paper, and finished with a white ribbon. She handed it to Amelia. "Open it" she instructed. Amelia does so, pulling on the ribbon until it turns into one piece. She then rips off the wrapping paper. Inside was a small velvet box. She looked up, amazed. Gabbi nodded for her to continue. She opened the box. Inside were two rings. Both engraved with: A.L x G.B. Amelia looked up and smiled. "Happy Valentines Day Mel"

     "We're not even dating yet silly" Amelia said, clutching the box.

     "Well I mean I was hoping we know, be girlfriends? If you're cool with it. I mean, I spent a hundred each on those so it really doesn't matter is you say no-" Gabbi was cut off by Amelia's soft lips on hers. She grabbed onto the taller girls hair, lips interlocking. They let go of each other, smiling. Gabbi slides on her ring and Amelia slides on hers. "Was that a yes?" 

     "No, I was rudely rejecting you and I'm about to sell this ring for a thousand dollars" Amelia said jokingly. Gabbi faked a wounded expression, brining her hands to her chest. They laugh and  spend more time officially together as a couple. "Can we not be too obvious, I'm not ready to be out yet. Only Meg, Mon, and Eleanor know." Gabbi nodded. They went back to Amelia's house and go up to her room. "Hey Sailor! Oh! Gabbi, this is Sailor" she picked up her cat, and introduced the two. 

     "Hello Sailor, lovely to meet you." Gabbi said in a formal manner. They laughed and let the cat down. They go downstairs to get snacks and see Eleanor by the counter, her head down on the island.

     "Ellie you okay? You seem stressed" Amelia said as her sister got up. She looked so tired. 

     "No yeah, it's just that im really busy..just need a...nap. Nice rings by the way.." Eleanor put her head back down. They shrug and head back upstairs. They turn on a movie and lie on Amelia's bed. Though they  weren't really paying attention to the movie, they were too busy with each other, kissing and cuddling through the entire movie.

     "If I had a dollar every time I wanted to kiss you since I met you, I would have more money than Elon Musk" Gabbi joked. She was suddenly tackled with kisses by Amelia. They laugh and have a great time. "Hey, can i spend the night?" 

     "Yeah, of course" Amelia answered. "If you need to shower, you can use my restroom. If you need clothes, you can have my whole closet. Mi casa, tu casa" Amelia smiled and jumped back on the bed. Gabbi hugged her.

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