Revenge Plan Continued

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         Weeks later, they finally get their acceptance letters. Gabbi and Amelia were sitting on Gabbi's bed, with their envelopes in front of them. They both reached for their Princeton letters. They took a deep breath and count to three.on the third count, they quickly open the envelope and skim over the letter. Amelia quickly reads over her letter. Accepted. She turns towards Gabbi, who looked sullen. Amelia's smile turned into a frown

     "I didn't get in" Gabbi said with disappointment on her face. 

     "What!? We were supposed to go to college together, and be formateas, and do everything together!" Amelia rambled on and on until she saw Gabbi's face. She was trying desperately to stifle a laugh. 

     "Mel, it's okay! I got in! I was just messing around" she wrapped an arm around the taller girl, who was relieved. 

     "Don't you ever do that to me ever again Gabbi Broussard" she said with a stern face. Her face softened into a smile and wrapped her arms around Gabbi's neck. Gabbi froze in shock, but wrapped hers around Amelia's back.  "Let's stay like this for a little while, yeah?" Gabbi laughed.

     "You really like hugging me don't you?" Amelia nods. They let go and turn back to their last letter. Gabbi's second choice was Dartmouth, Amelia's was Brown. They rip open their letters and skim through them again.  "I got accepted, what about you?" She said mildly.

     "I got accepted as well. But I think we both know where im going" they laughed and yelled from the top of their lungs "PRINCETON!" from the living room, max screamed at them to shut up. They laugh and lean back onto her bed. Amelia closes her eyes and rolled on top of the smaller girl. Gabbi yelped and tried to push Amelia off of her, but her hands were pinned on  Amelia's lower abdomen. Amelia's head is buried in Gabbi's hair. She wraps her arms around Gabbi's waist and turns around. She pins her onto the bed and kisses her filthy. Amelia's phone rings and she gets up to answer it. She kisses Gabbi's forehead and answers the phone. It was Eleanor. 

     "Hello? Did you need me to come wipe your ass for you?" From the bed, Gabbi let out a laugh. She apologized and went on her phone. 

     "Ha ha, very funny Melia. Come home, Sailor just shit on my carpet, and you're rarely home anymore, I want to hang with you." 

     "Aww! That warms my heart!" She puts her hand on her heart. She could practically hear Eleanor roll her eyes. "I'm on my way, I'll be home on fifteen. Bye! Love you" she ended the call and went to collect her stuff. "I have to go home, love. I'll see you on Monday?" Gabbi nodded. She was still on the bed under the blanket on her phone, she looked like a little doll. Amelia gave her a quick kiss and left. As she was going down stairs, She saw Tara and Max on the couch. They quickly pull apart and fumble with their clothes. She looks away and quickly walks out the door.

     When she gets home, Eleanor was on the couch. She walked towards her and smacked some cleaning supplies into her hands. She groaned and stomped up the stairs. She cleaned the carpet, and Sailor came into the room.

     "Sailor! You little!" She flicks water at the cat,  which runs away. When she finishes cleaning the carpet, she goes downstairs and jumps onto the couch. She wraps her arms and legs around Eleanor's waist. Eleanor pushes her off and they laid there. After a little while, Eleanor gets up. She offers Amelia a cigarette. They light their cigarettes and sit by the fireplace.

     "I heard your acceptance letters came in the mail. Did you get accepted?"

     "Yeah, Princeton and Brown" Eleanor screams and congratulates Amelia.

     "I got into Dartmouth and Brown" they smiled until someone slammed the door. "It's probably Drea. She storms in a lot recently" just as Eleanor said, Drea comes storming in. Tears were streaming down her face. The twins stood up, concerned for their friend. They put out their cigarettes and threw them away.

     "Hey, hey, hey! Are you okay?"

     "No! I just got rejected by Yale! Someone sent the Thorn piece to Administration and they pulled my scholarship" Amelia and Eleanor went to hug their distressed friend. She swiped their hands away. "No, no no! Don't pity me! Let's just focus on getting rid Max's ass" Amelia went to get them all water. They sat down on the floor to talk about their plan went Amelia suddenly blurt out.

     "Oh yeah, I was at Gabbi's house, and I was going home, and guess what?!" She waited for them to say what, but they didn't. She continued. "Tara and Max we're having sex on the couch, and Max's dick was like, at most two to three inches" Drea and Eleanor were drinking their waters, and when they heard Amelia's story, They both choked on their water. Eleanor's nose was dripping with water, and they were both coughing.

     "Wait, Melia, you have to be joking"

     "Amelia, I'm going to kill you" Drea threatened. She laughs and takes a sip of her water. "Anyways, tell me at least one of you got into an Ivy"

     "Princeton and Brown"

     "Brown and Dartmouth" Eleanor said.

     "Perfect. Well, there's this thing called an Admissions Party. During your senior year, you turn in your phones at the entrance. From sun down to sun rise, you party and have fun. Invitations, the only invitation is your acceptance letters." She explains. They listen intently as she explains her plan. They agree and Drea leaves. Amelia cleans up their water bottles, and they move back to the kitchen couch, and watch Clueless. They fall asleep in the middle and cuddle into each other.


This the...11th chapter? Holy crap we're in pretty far. This is more of a sister interaction because Amelia and Eleanor don't have lots of "scenes" together in my story. Stay hydrated and remember to eat! I love you guys!❤️ 

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