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Beware: the following content contains sins.

Read at own risk.

God, have mercy on my depraved soul for I am on the fringe of insanity.

—Of madness.


I could feel myself lapsing into its suffocating coma as I thoroughly absorbed the alluring motions of my infatuation gallivanting across the gymnasium floor like a graceful dove freed from years of entrapment.

And I'm the slithering serpent lurking in the shadows, waiting...



Usually, when it came to Irene's cheer practice, I'd wedge myself within the cramped spaces of the wooden bleachers, concealed in complete privacy to ensue whatever foul acts her succulent figure influenced me into.

But today, I wanted to be seen.

I wanted her to see me.

I wanted her to feel my smoldering gaze trot along her white skin, thirstily drinking in each and every crevasse that shaped her luscious body.

I swear, as long as there is oxygen filling my lungs, I will never grow tired of admiring that body—

God's gift to man.

The thin t-shirt wrapped around her torso deliciously enhanced her ample breasts, the plush flesh of her belly revealing its glory with every arm motion she executed. I bit back a moan when my salacious eyes trailed down to her legs.


Her legs.

How I wish to experience those legs constricting around my neck with her fingers roughly massaging my scalp as I put my crafty tongue to work.

My own legs clenched tightly together the closer I watched her.

I'm throbbing...

"Okay! Let's take that again from the top!" Irene commanded her fellow teammates with the solid clap of her hands, fully supported by the head coach who only had to stand to the side and observe.

This girl possesses such leadership.

A true-born leader, yes indeed.

So born to lead.

Nearly a week had passed since said girl, Horangi high's picture-perfect angel, led me straight into a toe-curling orgasm.

Without even fucking trying.

Just a mere twitch of her finger and I was rendered putty in her soft hands.

I've been unintentionally torturing myself ever since.

"You're soaking..."

Those words she groaned to me replayed in my head like a goddamn hypnotic pop song set on infinite repeat.

My nights were grueling.


After experiencing possibly the best climax of my life, I was confident I could never top that mind-blowing sensation myself.


Only her.

So I vowed if I were to be touched, it'd be by her hands.

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