Stunning and Stunned

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The rush and thrill of being on stage had gotten to me like usual. I was rocking out with my mates and singing "What Makes You Beautiful" like we always did for our last song of the night. We stood in our semi triangle as I stood infront and sang out my part. It had been another hopeless night.

He hadn't shown.

And it's not like I would miss him.


As if.

We were doing a small tour thingy where we only played in small places. Like college theatres and little places like that.

It had been our managers idea so we could "get more buzz because more people will be selling us out in shorter time periods so they can get tickets."

Yeah. I know. He's a dumbass.

I mean. His name is literally Simon Cowell. So he was probably bullied as a kid, cause that's a really dumb name for a kid. Like at that point you're just asking for them to get bullied.

I would know.

I make fun of him for it all the time by calling him "Cowman" and whenever he enters the room I'll announce it by saying stuff like "SATAN COWBELL HAS ARRIVED! WE MUST INFORM THE CHUCH!"

He doesn't like it very much, but frankly I don't care. He's a twat anyways.

Hes also EXTREMELY homophobic. And he's constantly complaining about the fact that I don't put the words "her", "she", or "girl" in my songs to "make them sound less gay".

Like, if you're just gonna bitch about it, go write your own songs and sing 'em for fucks sake.

Jesus Christ.

And besides, no matter how many times he tries to get me to, I refuse to write about girls. I'm a gay man. Why the actual FUCK would I write about women?

Anyhoo! Back to my original focus, he wasnt there.


Which pissed me off, because I've been searching for five fucking years and no sign of him. I was actually starting to give up hope.

That was until September 28th.

It was our last show of this stupid little experiment and I was ready to get out of here and get piss drunk. Singing my solo in "What Makes You Beautiful" again and that's when I saw him.

Standing by himself. In the back. Staring right into my eyes. Wearing a black dress. And smirking.


I did a double take and sure enough he's standing there smirking at me, staring straight
(Gay) into my eyes and wearing the littlest, blackest, dressiest, (and definitely hottest) little black dress I'd ever seen.

I stopped mid-verse and forgot where I was for a few seconds and just stared, mouth a-jar at the beautiful man I saw.

"Tommo?" I hear a thick Irish accent say, as a hand waved infront of my face.

"Wha- huh? Oh! Oh yeah! Whoops!" I stutter out. Turning to face Niall. He's one of my best mates and like a little brother to me. His dyed, blonde hair is swooshed up in a purposefully messy...well...swoosh I guess. I don't know how to explain it but it's done up ok? He's wearing black skinny's and a plain white tee with the words "Crazy Mofos" on it. His usual attire when performing. His lips are turned down into a frown and his dark eyebrows are knitted together.

"Ya good there mate?" He asks in a concerned tone.

"Oh! Uh yeah! I jus- uh..." I try saying something about seeing him, but I don't know how to form the words and I just keep stuttering.

"What is it Lou? Are ya ok? What happened?" He questions in a panicked voice.

"He-he's here Ni. He's actually h-here." I almost burst into tears.

"WHAT!? WHERE!?" He shouts a little too long.

"Would you shut it. Jesus. Over there" I indicate by nudging my head in the direction of the man,"in the very back. He's the one in the dress".

He turns his head to look into the crowd, searching for him, "holy shit. He's proper fit in that dress."

I roll my eyes, "you think I don't know that. That's why I stopped singing you dumbass." I sass back.

"Speaking of ass, you might wanna take a look at him".

I turn my head following Niall's gaze to find him turning around and swaying his hips back and forth while Liam and Zayn sing the rest of the song.

My jaws drops and my throat goes dry.

"Holy. Fucking. Shit." I emphasize every word.

"You said it mate".

My mind betrays me by continually saying three words:

Little black dress. Little black dress. Little black dress.


It's me!! I hope you're liking it so far I mean this is only the first chapter but hey! I think it's pretty good.

Most of my chapters will be on the shorter side depending on how long I have to write that chapter so 🤷‍♀️



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