Can't Waste A Second

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Ok listen. Im telling you this in full confidence when I say I RAN off the stage and to him. And i only run in life or death situations.

This was most definitely a life or death situation. Because if I didn't get to him before he left, I'd have died.

Yup. Drop dead. Rip me. Toodles, pip pip cheerio, see ya!

So yes. I fucking ran...

...and jumped into his arms...

...and wrapped my legs around him...

...and kissed him...




Ok maybe I was just so confused and happy and everything but I kissed him.





Don't tmi me ok? It was a very necessary part of the story.

I mean don't get me wrong I really liked it.

Ok that's a lie. I fucking LOVED it. Every moment of it. I melted in his touch and was just so consumed by everything that I forgot how many people were around, until he pulled away and spoke.

Now. Not to get off topic, but HOLY FUCKING SHIT.


Yeah. If you'd have heard it, you'd agree.

It was deep, and gravely, and hot, and just pure heaven. I could've drifted off to sleep, or orgasmed on the spot. Either way it was just perfection.

Anyga- I mean WAYS!

He spoke softly into my ear. And all he said was:

"They're all watching us luv".

And I could hear the smirk in his voice as if he was happy they all knew it was him I'd been singing about all these years.

"I don't care. Ive missed you so much. Where have you been?" I reply.

"Here my love. I've been here for almost six years. And I've missed you too. And when I heard you announce that you were stopping here on your tour, I got the first ticket. Mostly because I pre-ordered it before hand. I couldn't miss the opportunity to see my beautiful boy".






"Fuck Harry. I've been waiting for years to hear your voice again." I sob into his shoulder.

"Well now you can. And I promise I'm not going anywhere my love."

I swear on Cowman's life that if I could, I would've started making out with him right then and there.



But again, there were many people around and I had to get back to the guys.

So I hopped off of Harry, and drug him backstage with me so we could see the guys.

"Hey guys? You back here?" I yell into the dimly lit hallway.

"HARRY!!!" Niall everything but screams as he runs towards us, passing me and jumping into Harry's arms like I had. (Minus the legs around the torso.)

Harry picks him up and swigs them around a few times while Niall giggles and cries happy tears.

When he finally puts Niall down, Zayn and Liam step towards Harry, embracing him in a hug.

"It's good to have you back mate." Zayn says as he claps Harry on the back.

"Yeah. We missed you the whole time you were gone." Liam states with a smile, but there's a hint of sadness in his time that Harry must also pickup on cause he brings Liam back in for another hug.

"It's good to be back. I missed you guys so much too." He says as Liam lets go.

"I don't think anyone missed you as much as Lou. He's only been fucking whining and nagging about you for five god damn years." Niall states while rolling him eyes.

I flip him off and turn back to Harry, jumping back into him arms, and nuzzling my nose into his neck. I wrap my legs around him again as he holds me up by my bum.

"He's not wrong, Lou. I swear if H wouldn't have shown up tonight, we never would've heard the end of it." Zayn jokes with a smile.

"Oh shuddup. Lemme an' my Hazza share a happy moment would ya?" I sass back at him.

"Yeah I think Li and I are gonna head 'er. We've got some important things to attend to" he says with a smirk, while wiggling his eyes brows, and Liam turns a dark red.

"Y-yeah. See ya l-later guys" He stutters out practically drooling as Zayn pulls him away. (Zayn's a god, who WOULDN'T drool over him?!)

Harry looks down at me with his beautiful green eyes, and I can't help but blush a little.

"Yeah. I'm not staying here to watch you tear each others clothes off and bang each other against the wall, SEE YA!!" Niall grimaces as he walks away.

As soon as he's gone, I lean in crushing our lips together in a passionate and hungry, yet loving and caring kiss. He glided his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for access and I grant it.

I pull away for a split second, "let's take this into my room how bout?" I ask.

He nods quickly, and leans back in to continue the kiss.

We make it in the room and he sets me down so I can undress myself, as he goes to undress himself I stop him.

"Let me." I say walking towards him.

"I'd like to be the one to off your

Little black dress. Little black dress. Little black dress.



It's meee! 🥳🥳🥳

I hope you're liking it so far!! I know my chapters are pretty short, but I'm the kinda gal who prefers shorter chapters, that way you don't get bored and you don't lose interest and you're waiting to see what happens next. You can also read the faster so yeah.

At least that's how it is for me. Idk about y'all so I'm not gonna assume!

Anyways lemme know if you have any suggestions and or tweaks and I'll answer as soon as I can!

All the love!!!!🤍🤍🤍

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