Fight, forgive, forget, and fuck Niall needs a girlfriend.

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It's been a week since I got my beautiful boy back, and I couldn't be happier. Except that we had a fight.

Sure, we've fought before. We're best frie-ok. Well. More like "best friends", but whatever.

My point is, that we never had a fight like this.

Wanna know what we were fighting about?




But not just any socks.


My favourite socks. And he knows they're my favourites.

Have been since we were 15. (I don't wanna hear it.)

But anyways, these are my prized possessions. Ok? They mean a lot to me because they were the socks he was wearing the first time Haz and I kissed.

Which I kinda haven't told him, but that's besides the point.

The whole reason we were fighting is because I asked him to move in with me.

And he agreed.

Which meant I was making room for his stuff in my -well now our- closet.

I have a lot of clothes I never wear, so I decided to make trash, donate, and keep piles, that way everything was organized.

And he offered to help, which I accepted. Till of course he tried to put the loves of my life's in the trash pile.

Ok he's the love of my life, not the socks, not I needed to paint a picture ok? Leave me alone.

All-in-all, I called him out for it, and he didn't see why I wouldn't throw out a pair of "old, crusty, hole-filled" socks, that "i don't have a use for anymore and never wear".

So yeah. I guess I should've told him why, but I'm stubborn. And I didn't wanna spill the beans just yet, so I decided I would play with him for a bit and act shy, and be all weird about the reason, and I just kept saying

"It's just an important pair of socks ok? The real reason is embarrassing..."

It got to the point of him thinking i had a PAIR of cum socks.


Maybe I let it go too far, but I told him eventually!

And he was really sweet about it. And he kept telling me that it was a really sweet thing yet, kinda weird and that i should at least put them in a box or something just so that they don't end up in the trash.

So that's what I did. I got an old show box and wrote "Sentimental" on it. That way we can both put things in it, and go through it whenever we feel the need to.

That was really the only down to this week. We've been getting along other wise, and I forgave him for trying to trash my beloved socks, and he forgave me for being a drama queen about it.

Louis- I don't think I was that dramatic, but whatever. *rolls eyes*

Narrator Harry- Lou, you were being EXTREMELY dramatic.

Louis- Oh shut it.

Narrator Harry- Just sayin...*winks*


We had a great week, and everything was going really well. The boys had came over almost everyday, and we all hung out.

It was now the weekend, and we had it all to ourselves.

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