No seriously, Niall needs a fucking girlfriend.

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Ok I usually do this in Louis' pov, but I'm gonna change this chapter up a bit because I've always wanted to do a Niall chapter, and he plays a really big part in this book so y'all need some Niall time.
Ok bye!!
All the love!!! 🤍🤍🤍

Niall's pov:


It's me, Niall.

And much to Abbies distress, I'm going to be narrating this chapter because she leaves out the little things.

And when writing a Larry Fic, you must use all the little things.

N- Hehe! See what I did there, Abbie? THAT'S how it's done. 😌

A- Yeah, yeah. We get it Niall. You're Captain of the Larry ship. 🙄

N- that I am.

Now! Let's talk about me. Because apparently I have to "let the audience in on my life" or some shit.

I don't really know.

Abbie's making me read from a pre-made script.


N- and that's how you rial her up 🤣

A- oh shut up and write about yourself.

N- fiiiiiiiine.

So pretty much I'm single.

And fucking lonely in this friend group because we have both Ziam and of course Larry. And then there's me.

The only straight one, and the only single one.

And Abbie insisted that I find myself someone because she hates having to write about me being sad and hurt because I have no one.

She also said that Lou and her have about seven dates set up for me this week, that they'd pay for if I go on them, so let's see how it goes.


Yeah, no.

I went on seven dates and they all sucked.

I don't mean the people per say, (ok maybe some were questionable but hey! Aren't we all?) I mean the dates in general. Because they were all at the coffee shop and when a guy orders a pumpkin spice latte, apparently that's weird and women think he's not "boyfriend material".

So yeah. All seven dates were a bust, but I got seven free pumpkin spice lattes out of it so really it wasn't that bad.

I mean the same barista was serving me all seven days, and she offered to take me on a night out after the last one cause she said I looked like I needed it.

It's not really a date, but more like a hangout with a friend.

A very pretty friend.

Who's very nice.

And who I may or may not ask out after taking a shot or two just to boost my confidence.

Heh! 😅

Yes. I might have a small, itty bitty, little, baby, crush on her, but it's nothing serious I swear!

A- HA! We'll see about that Niall.

N- Oh god! Not you again! 😭

A- I think you mean "OH YAY!".

N- No. I meant "Oh god!".

A- Oh whatever. 🙄

N- ANYWAYS. As I was saying before I got RUDELY interrupted, *glaring at me* I'm going out with her tonight.

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