Chapter 10

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"Baby", he turns around and you unwrap your arms off his torso.

He wears his t – shirt and lets out a sigh.

"Baby let's just give it time", he breathes out.

You were confused, you wanted him, and you thought he did too, but what was this?

"But I -", you couldn't form the words you wanted, your mind was blank.

"Baby, after everything we've been through, its just – just does not seem right", he walks towards the bed.

But you on the other hand was frozen, you turn around but do not move your place.

"What do you mean?", you ask.

"Do you really want to go through this?", he has this annoyed look on his face, but you couldn't care less.

"Yes", you fold your arms across your chest.

"Well, ......", he trails off.

"Well?", you raise your eyebrows.

"Baby are you really ready?", he asks.

"I just told you", you shrug your shoulders.

"Yeah, but imagine if we do this we might end up with another baby, you ready for all that?", his question took you off guard.

"If we are going to have a baby, of course I'll have him or her", you say without hesitation.

Of course, you would want to have another kid with him. You wanted to move on and have a life with him rather than being stuck at the past.

Jungkook looked at you speechless, this is not what he expected. It's true he wanted you, but he gave you time.

A part of him is scared and always will be, Junghyun took you twice and now Jungkook being a dad, the responsibilities were scaring him.

Jungkook was scared and you saw it in his face.

"Kook", you walked to him.

He took you by surprise when he buried his head on your stomach, wrapping his arms around your hips.

"Jungkook", you felt bad, you were doubting yourself for maybe thinking wrong, maybe he was the one who needs more time.

"I –", he sobbed, and his tears soaked your dress.

"Kook", you caressed his head.

You let him cry and he did, he cried for so long that your legs felt numb, but you did not care, it was him who you cared for.

You kneel on the floor and cup his cheeks after his sobs stopped, "Tell me", you spoke softly.

"Tell me what's bothering you?", you wiped his tears off his cheeks.

"I am sc - scared", he sobbed out, fresh tears flowing from his eyes.

"Of what? I am right here", you assured him.

"Everything", he held your palms which held his cheeks.

"I don't want to lose you or Ara again", he choked out a sob.

"You won't lose us", you pecked his lips.

"I love you Y/N", he whispered, "so fucking much that it hurts, and seeing Junghyun do those things to you -"

"Hey! Hey, let's forget about that, I am trying to move one", you told him.

"I see you baby, you have nightmares", he says, and you widen your eyes.

"I want to get over it, kook,", you say, "please, you have to help me"

"Make me forget them, all I wanna remember is you", you confess, "just you"

He cups your face delicately and placed his lips on yours, carefully filled with love.

He moulds his lips with yours, gently sucking on your lower lip he pulls it.

"We can stop", he pants.

"Don't stop kook, I want you as much as you want me", you whisper against his lip pulling him for a hot kiss.

"Mm", you let out a moan.

"Fuck!", he mutters and pulls you up, placing his hands under your thighs.

He turns around and places you on the mattress.

He gets on top of you and settles in between your legs and you spread your legs for access.

He breaks the kiss, pushing his clothed dick against your core he rocks his hips, "Fuck I miss this".

"I missed you", he attaches his lips to your swollen ones, letting out grunts as he rocks his hips for friction.

Your panty had already been soaked due to him rubbing himself making a wet patch on his pants too

He starts kissing your neck and cleavage and pulls your dress down to your hips.

He unclasps your bra and kneads your breasts in his hands, you throw your head back feeling his hands on your skin.

"I love you", he pecks your lips moving to your neck as he sucks your skin, leaving his marks along the way.

Taste of Heaven S2 | JJKWhere stories live. Discover now