Alternative ending (2/2)

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TW - Mention of torture and blood, if you do wish to read a sign will be given, '***' before and end, look out for them and skip to read the next one.


The guards pulled down Junghyun's pants, Junghyun had a confused - scared look on his face, he struggled but the guard completed his work.

"His underwear as well", Jungkook signals the guards who pull down his underwear as well.

"Great", Jungkook walks closer to Junghyun, "I am going to feed you a very nice meal", Jungkook cuts off his d!ck.

Blood drips off his thighs and to the floor, "Hope you enjoy!", Jungkook gives him a smirk before opening his mouth forcefully and pushing it in.

"Eat it!", Jungkook pushes it in as Junghyun chokes, "Nn -", he slurs as the flesh gets clogged into his throat.

"I said eat it!", Jungkook growls signaling the guards to take the tape, and he grabs it wrapping it around Junghyun's head.

"Never mess with my family", Jungkook smirks seeing Junghyun struggle to breathe as he chokes on the flesh.

"Let him be", he sends his guards out.

He bends down face to face with Junghyun who looked at Jungkook through the small slit, "See you in hell brother!", Jungkook pats his shoulders before turning around.

Junghyun struggles as he shakes his body to let himself free, instead he falls onto the ground helpless.

Seconds turns into minutes then hours, Junghyun chokes on his own flesh as his breath gets cut off, he dies at the basement.



Jungkook takes a nice hot shower and wears clean clothes, getting rid of Junghyun's blood and smell.

He drives to the hospital and walks to the corridor, he notices his mom and dad with Ara and his son in their arms.

"Jungkook", has dad sees him first and aproaches him.

"Everything is taken care of", Jungkook says and his dad nods his head in approval.

"Y/N woke up", his mothers voice alerts, "we wanted you to see her first".

Jungkook did not need to be said again, he rushed in to see you on the bed, breathing perfectly.

"Kook?", you call out for your husband who walks to your side.

"I said you will be okay", he kisses your forehead, "Till my very last breath I'll protect you", he places a kiss on your lips.

"Are you okay?", you intervene your fingers with his, "Yeah, you okay?", his eyes never left your figure.

"Yeah, thank you kook", you say, Jungkook kisses your knuckles in response.

"Honey?", his mother peeps in.

"Mom", you sit up straight with the help of Jungkook, to see your mother and dad along with Mr. Jeon walks in.

You also notice another figure who looks just like you walk in, she had a beautiful smile in her face.

"Mom?", you look at your mother with confusion, your mom nods and gestures the figure to walk closer.

"She is your sister, Sara", she introduces her to you, you smile at your sister as you feel the connection between the both of you.

"I hope we can make up for the years we lost together", she chuckles, "Yes of course", you let out a laugh with her.


Seven years later

"Ara!", you place your hands on your hips looking down on your six year old daughter, who was covered in flour.

"Kook!", you whine at your husband who was also covered in flour. 

"Mommy, the cookies were high", you daughter pouts, as she hides behind Jungkook's leg.

"So, you had to pull the tub of flour, to take the cookies?", you raise your eye brow, "And your quota of cookies are over".

"Baby -", Jungkook tries protesting, but you give him a glare as he shuts himself immediately.

Ara lets out a sob, "I ask - ed a sister but yo - you did not gi - ve me and your no - t gi -ving me cook - ies", she starts to cry.

"Princess", Jungkook kneels on the floor as he hugs his crying daughter, you start to feel guilty that you have scolded her.

"Mommy is sorry", you kneel next to her and wipe her tears, "You could have called mommy, you could have got hurt".

"Ara is sorry", she whispers, you wipe your tears.

"Mommy look!", your six year old son, Jungwoo rushes to the three of you with a paper on his hand, "I drew us!".

He shows Jungkook and you, a family of four, you melt at the sight, "I am proud of you, Jungwoo".

"Mommy?", Ara calls you again making you and Jungkook turn to her, "Can I get a sister?", she gives you puppy eyes.

"Abso -", you hit Jungkook on the shoulder, stopping him from talking. 

"Baby!", he whines rubbing the place you hit him.

"Mommy?", Jungwoo, calls you, "Yes honey?", you ask him.

"I want a brother", he pouts making you choke on thin air. 

"Anything for my babies", Jungkook says as he wriggles his eyebrows at you. "So you want a sister?", he asks Ara who nods immediately.

"And you want a brother?", Jungkook asks his son, who nods repeatedly.

"Then you should not disturb mommy and daddy, specially at night", he says to which they nod faster.

"Okay now go play", he sends his kids while you raise your eyebrows at your husband.

"And you think I would say yes?", you tilt your head and look up at your husband.

"Well...", Jungkook walks closer to you, ".. you can't resist me", he winks at you making you flustered.

"I love you", he captures your lips with yours lifting you up, as you wrap your legs around his waist.

"I love you", you both break the kiss and join your foreheads together.

"Mommy!", Ara calls, "Daddy, can we get as many as kids we want?", she shouts from the living room.

"Absolutely princess", Jungkook answers and you glare at him.

He shakes his head, the flour on his hair falls on your clothes, "Kook!", you whine before he leans in for a kiss.

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