1998 • tcome'.

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author's :

tcome' — the cause of my euphoria.

you are the cause of my euphoria.

may Sophia and Kai's tragic love story cure every lone souls who deserves to love and to be loved by someone special.

just like Sophia, you matters to someone. even if there's no someone, you matters to me. i love everyone and i hope everyone can learn to love themselves just like Sophia did at the end of the story.

and just like Kai, you deserve to be in love. there are no such things as you need to be perfect to love. there are some flaws in love, and trust me, you should start seeing yourself just like the rest of the world does. being imperfectly perfect doesn't mean you're weak. it is what you are. you are you.

love if you want to, but don't love someone more than you do to the Creator.

luka kita semua cantik.

be happy, be free.

salam sayang,

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