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Hello dummy 😬

What u want....

To see you my baby 😭

W i e r d o

Btww! R u busy?

No- it's a Saturday ;-;

Well you neverrr know!!


Do u wanna go to the beach ?!

Uh- suree??

Kk! I'll be at your house in 11 minutes!
seen at 2:45pm

You get off your bed and pack a small bag: spare clothes, sunglasses. You were happy in your bed but it was always kinda nice to go outside sometimes.

Knock knock ●

You hear a knock and you know it's Hu Tao. It was her signature knock. You picked up your keys and shoved them in your pocket.

"I'm coming!" You yell- as she knocks continuously.

You open the door to see Hu Tao. Surprise Suprise. She grabs your wrist and you both start walking to the beach. Which was a 27 minute walk. But it was enough time for you both to catch up.

"Soooo!! How have you been?" She asks you, still looking forward.

"Alright, I guess- you?" You say back looking at her slightly.

"I'm okay!! Sooo- there's something we needa talk about!" She announces with a massive grin.

You noticed and suddenly got nervous. What was she gonna mention. It was so bloody unpredictable when it came to Hu Tao. Oneday she exposed you for lying about your homework to a teacher. You thought she was going to ask about the lesson. BUT NOPE! She was always out to get you. But you stopped caring she was your bestfriend. Which was a secrect. So shh.

"Mhm. Go ahead?" You say looking at her. Unsure of what will come out of her mouth.

"Soo!! Do you have a crush on Xiao?" She asks you looking at you innocently with a small grin.

You didn't know how to respond. You had met him a week ago. He was rather quiet. You were unsure. You shook your head to say 'no'. But in honestly you didn't know if you liked him yet. Or even liked him at all. You weren't very good at expressing your feelings.

"Not going to lie- I thought you did-" she said with a tone of disappointment but she quickly brushed it off when she saw Yanfei.

'Lovebirds. Why don't they just date already it's so damn obvious.' You think to yourself, sighing slightly. You waved at Yanfei. You saw alot of unfamiliar people mixed with familiar people. You saw a small girl with blonde hair, with a tall blonde haired boy next to her. They were both building sand castles. Klee and Albedo. You approached them and Klee embraced you in a hug. She giggled and asked you to sit down.

"Sweeter Than Tofu" Xiao x Reader 《Modern AU》Where stories live. Discover now