10 |Memories that come back|

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It was a rainy, cold, and rather miserable day. And of course you had work, I mean you had to pay for the bills some how.. You threw your head back under the warmth of the duvet, after hearing the deathly beep of your alarm. Oh how you hated that damn thing so much!

After about 10 minutes, you pushed yourself up. Forcing yourself to stop pressing the snooze button. You walked towards the bathroom, to fix your hair which was intresting first thing in the morning.

While you were in there, you did your hair, teeth aswell as had a shower. You didn't want to get complaints because you smelt bad. Who would?

Your uniform wasn't particularly ugly either it was just annoying and fiddly. You wore jeans, a grey shirt, a long zip-up hoodie and all the necessary equiment you needed. Such as your phone in one pocket. A lighter for safe keeping. Aswell as your key to your apartment.

You turned your phone on to see some notifications as per usual.

Phone's Notifications :
Software update <---->

Storage running low, 0.5gb left

Message: Hu tao- Hey! I booked
us to go ice skating at 4pm and ik
ur workin, so see ya there !

Hu Tao: *sent adress*

You were to busy to think differently and walked out of the door. Leaving the house once again on a empty stomach. And no coffee as you had run out the previous day and were to lazy to buy more!

You had only walked for 5 minutes and you were already yawning. All you wanted to do was curl up in bed with Xia- your pillows!!!

You worked at a small café run by Diona's family. A nice small neko like kid who was rather fond of you. She has strawberry blossom coloured hair and her clothing was rather cute and playful. But you never dared comment on how cute she looked incase she got annoyed.

You walk through the door, and with in an instant you are greeted by Diona herself and some of the other workers. Being Xiangling who attends a different school to you. Along with, chef Mao.

Your job is to make the sweet things, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. As for one you had a sweet tooth.

"Y/n, do you mind making those cupcakes again? The customers loved them!" Janice asks you, before attending to look for her husband.

You didn't mind, as you always got to sample the things you made.

You decided to spice up the recipe a bit. It was originally, a strawberry cupcake with vanilla cream inside and cut up strawberrys on top. It was quite a cute recipe. You decided to change it so the vanilla cream had a crunch. And the icing was not as gloopy as yesterday. Along with smiley faces on top.

And with that you set to work, for your long day.

You started by cracking the eggs, and whisking them. Occasionally taking out the odd egg shell. You made the batter, pure white. And if you were being honest it looked kinda like cu- NEVERMIND.

You scooped up the mix and placed the mixture in cupcake cases and stuck the cupcakes in the oven. While getting the piping bag ready and making the hundreds of decorations in your free time.

Once you had finished decorating and placing the cupcakes in the window it was about lunch time. And Diona sat you down and had a small tea party with you. This included things provided from the café of course.

&quot;Sweeter Than Tofu&quot; Xiao x Reader 《Modern AU》Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant