Chapter 1

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You had moved into a house a few weeks ago and I never got a chance to meet my neighbour. Our house is  very close together, My bedroom window is right in front of her bedroom window so I could see the setup "She must be a streamer" i thought to myself. My desk was set so when i turn to the right the window was kind of close. One day after i finished reading some reddit stories, I turned my head and saw her, She was stunning, gorgeous. I was staring for way to long and to make it worse i had the window open. she turned her head to look at me.

I fell off my chair she saw. I wound up on the floor and she from the sound of it she opened her window, due to how close our windows were she popped her head over "Hey are you okay?" she said with a cute face I let out an "Ow" and strached my head "Yeah sorry for bothering you" I said getting up a bit. moving my hands back and forth. I tried not to yell or scream, I had a really bad habit of yelling when i was excited or happy. I stood up facing her she smiled "Sorry i don't think we've met I'm YN" I said acting smooth like i didn't fall off my chair staring at her. She giggled and spoke

"I'm Niki" she said "Nice to meet you niki" we spoke for a bit after the fall and we soon went to bed due to the time. I smiled as I got comfy in my bed, She was so pretty, Her voice was so gentle and friendly. I fell asleep thinking about her. 

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