Chapter 9

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I spoke to Tommy for a bit longer before a purple haired girl with an Irish accent came up to me "are you trying to steal Niki away from me" I couldn't tell if she was joking or not I let out a nervous laugh before speaking "No, no of course not" I said waving my hands a bit. She dropped her body to the floor to hug niki "that's right she's mine" I still honestly couldn't tell if she was joking so I still had an confused look on my face.

"She's joking" another purple haired girl said. I turned to face her thanking her and smiling, she introduced herself as
Rhianna. We spoke for a bit because minx literally refused to let me speak to niki I got to know Rhianna and Aimsey a bit. They were both incredible nice.

After a few hours some had to leave the rest stayed and watched the stars. It was me, Niki, Rhianna and Tommy.
Me and Niki were laid together, Rhianna was also on my other side. We spoke for a hour or so until Rhianna and Tommy had to go and it was just me and Niki. I waved goodbye to the them and turned back to niki who was waving at them still.

"So uh what should we do now?" I said smiling at her

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