chapter 3

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Tyler gave the drinks and i walked over to their table. They all stopped speaking well i came over to the table "Uhh Hey here's your order" I said giving a shy smile giving them there drinks. I smiled. As i walked away I heard Rhianna say "You totally like him" I didn't know who Rhianna was speaking to but i hoped it was Niki. I walked back to the counter after a few more orders Niki walked up to the counter with her hands before her back with a cute smile. I got really excited as she walked closer and closer.

"Hey so i wanted to give you this early but i got too nervous" She placed it on the counter and walked away quickly. I turned the paper and saw an number saying "My number" with a smiley face I smiled to myself and pulled out my phone and dialed in the number messaging 'Hi :)' All of a sudden i heard a loud noise from the back "Tyler!" i said running to open the door i saw niki's table and another table staring at us. As soon as i opened the door i was greeted with Tyler on the floor.

And his black cat in this lap "Dude! Check out my kitty" she giggled and moved side to side before lifting the cat up i grabbed the cat and grabbed the cage "Actually wait can you babysit the little guy until work's over" he said giving me a begging face i nodded and took the baby black cat and placed him on the counter. He was a chil cat so i could trust him not to run away.

Nihachu x Autistic!Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now