Cap 2. Welcome too the earth

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*18 years ago* Jasper- Where are we? Yuri- We are in the land where there is more water than land. Lapis- What is this? *Lapis grabs a fruit* Yuri- That's a passion fruit. *They go to the house* Pearl- Greg! We arrived. Greg- Here I come! *Greg opens the door* Yuri- Man, you're redder than a tomato farm. Can we go to the temple? Greg - Sure. *Yuri and Pearl (commanders of the rampage) go to the temple* Pearl- Mission completed. White diamond- where are they? Yuri- resting, they were in very low spirits and very tired. White Diamond- I understand. *Yuri and Pearl leave* Amethyst- Gregy, you're a little weird, what's wrong? Greg- Nothing! How about we make some amethyst music? *Greg makes a mess trying to connect the guitar pedal* Yuri- This wey god. *Yuri connects the cable in 2 seconds* Yuri- Wow! What a problem! Greg- How did you do it? Yuri- Doing it, asshole. *Greg plays the bass while Yuri stretches like a moron XD* Jasper- Baby, you're going to pull a bone out of your skin for stretching. Yuri- That is not possible because the meat and the skin are more resistant than you think. *Yuri sits on the drums* Oro- Stand up to the brother! Yuri- I'm the oldest! Gold- Hahaha!

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