Cap 5. rescuing again

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*12 years ago* *They are looking for the Lapis from a planet controlled by rebel forces* Oro- Lapis, are you sure that your sisters are on this planet? Lapis- Yes, I was with them for a short time and I hardly saw them. Jasper- The plan is. Sneak into the cells and take them out without getting killed or captured. Yuri- Peridot you are in charge of the controls and the radio let us know if you fail there or something. Peridot- Okay! *Lapis, Jasper, Oro and Yuri go out to look for them* Lapis- I see guards. Jasper- Don't kill them just immobilize them. * Lapis shoots the guards with his bow and Jasper and Yuri take them hostage * Yuri- I swear by the stars that if you don't tell me where they are I'll kill you. Guard1- WHO? *Yuri pulls a picture of nice and piss out of his pocket* Guard1- THEY ARE IN CELL 176! LET ME GO! *Jasper makes a sign to kill the guards* *Yuri kills the first and Jasper the second* Oro- Look! The cell area. Peridot- Perfect, go I'll look through the cameras. *Oro and Yuri enter and Jasper and Lapis stay guarding the entrance* Peridot- They're in 126, the guard lied to us. * Yuri uses his hammer to break the lock on the cell * Peridot- Damage? Yuri- Nothing on the face, the most visible is on their waists that reaches their genitals. *Yuri turns them around and they have more bruises on their backs* Oro- We must get them out of here. Yuri- Well help me. *Oro and Yuri manage to get Mean and Nice out and take them to the ship (the same as Makarov's)* Peridot- Good job, we have a problem the force fields of this place will not make them fly through space. Oro- So how the hell do we get on this fucking planet? Peridot- That doesn't matter we have to destroy the system before they capture us. *Peridot gives them a type of Trojan virus to destroy the system in the control tower* Yuri- Look at the tower. Gold- Let's go in. *Yuri and Oro enter by circumventing the security* Yuri- Here! Computer. *Gold for his part steals military weapons* Yuri- Why are you going to steal that if we're not going to use it? Peridot is done, wait for us. Peridot- Perfect, come quickly. *Yuri and Oro run away achieving the mission* Yuri- We did it JUEPU! *Nice gets up* Nice- Where am I? Lapis- Do you remember me? Nice- LAZULI! *Nice runs to hug Lapis* Nice- I missed you so much! *Mean gets up* Nice- Mean! Mean- LAZULI! Nice- Platinum! *Nice pounces on Yuri* Yuri- Another one who wants to break my back. Nice- What are we doing here? Peridot- Well lapis and Platinum put this all together so thank them. Mean- Thank you! I don't know how to thank them. Nice- Are they going to take us off this planet? Lapis- Yes, we are going to go to a planet called earth, where we will live in peace and tranquility and nobody can harm us. Yuri- They look hungry, have they eaten? Nice- We haven't eaten in days. *Yuri takes out his masterchef skills and cooks something in 20 minutes (how long it took me to get my face out of the pillow XD)* Nice- You cook very well. Mean- Thank you! *Both finish their dishes in 12 minutes* Yuri- You can tell they were hungry. *Jasper whispers in Yuri's ear* Jasper- Go to the room, I'll wait for you Hehe. * Jasper before leaving in the corridor makes a sign for him to warm up more * Yuri- Girls, do I take you to his room? *Mean and Nice nod and Yuri leads them* Nice- When do we take off? Yuri- In 2 minutes so grab your chair and we're leaving *Yuri goes to the control room and takes off raising the ship to about 1,200 meters above the planet* Peridot- Well my life, this is already done and I need some pleasure would you give it to me? Lapis- Silly, I also need some pleasure. * Lapis and Peridot go to his room and Yuri goes to his room * Yuri- Finally, some peace. *Yuri takes off his clothes and goes straight to bed* Jasper- Wow, you're so desperate. *Yuri slowly kisses Jasper while he undresses her* Jasper- Take off your glasses, you can break them. * Yuri pays attention to his partner and Jasper starts touching his back * Jasper-  Do it. Yuri- First, we have to moisten your vagina because at the time of penetration it will hurt. * Yuri penetrates Jasper's vagina with his fingers so it moistens and allows the penis to pass (High biology brothers XD) * Jasper- I'm going to come * Jasper is coming * Yuri- Ready? Jasper- Yes! *Yuri starts* Yuri- Ahhh!. Jasper - Go on! *Under the sheet the bodies of both rub and kiss* Yuri- I'm going to finish Ahhh. Jasper - Do it! *Both finish and are satisfied* Yuri- Your legs are shaking. Jasper- That always happens to me after an orgasm. *Jasper snuggles into Yuri's chest* Jasper- You're fascinating. I must have done something very good to deserve someone like you. Yuri- Are you going to rest? Jasper- Yes, you left me very exhausted. *Jasper falls asleep On Yuri's chest as he strokes his hair* *Yuri falls asleep*

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