Apple Themed Radio (Alastor x Lucifer HH)

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(Didn't know how to start this story so just jumped right to it)

As Alastor lies there tied underneath the altar, not remembering how he got there, he hears one of the cultists say "Thou dark lord! We present to you this person as an offering!" He didn't have much left to lose but he surely didn't want to go out like this. "Thou dark lord, I present you these cultists as my offerings!" Alastor shouts. The cultists confused looks quickly turned to fear, "Finally, a decent meal." A voice said coming from all around the room snakes into the ears of every cultist, wrapping around them. Without warning, each person screams in pain as hundreds of snakes explode from within their bodies.

Alastor watched as the snakes wrap themselves in nets around each person before golden glow envelopes each of them, and they collapse in upon themselves. All that is left of each cultist is a small bloody puddle where they stood. He took deep breaths and closed his eyes, in his lifetime, he didn't expect to be one of the few people to witness something insane like this. Then, with a small snapping noise, the ropes binding him tear apart on their own.

That's odd. He thought. Standing up from the table, he notices he isn't the only one in this room. Sitting in an old chair, partially lit by the torches of the altar, is a small pale skinned blonde man. Their eyes met. Quite a handsome person he was, what a peculiar outfit he was wearing. There was a dark, rather scary presence surrounding the air. It was clearly coming from the blonde man.

"Um, thank you?" Alastor said. Not sure what to do.

"No, thank you Alastor. It's been a long time since anyone has offered me such a sacrifice. These cults, my followers, they usually only manage a single body or animal every few weeks. But eight in one night? Now that's a meal." The man said with a hissing sound.

Al stood in silence, he didn't know how this man knew his name but it was clear who he was. The one civilization calls the "dark lord".

"You're free to go, if you like." The fallen angel says.

Without any hesitation Al went to leave, not waiting for the demon to change its mind. But he was too late.

"Unless, you'd like a job?"

He stopped. Despite his fear and the situation he was in, he reminded himself to never turn down an opportunity without thinking first. Besides, if he started working for the dark lord he wouldn't be punished once he finally passed. He could even possibly get on his soft side.

"What kind of job?" Alastor asked, turning around to find the man standing, fully lit, but still concealed by writhing darkness.

"It's very simple really. I'll give you some names and locations, you go hunt these people down, drag them back here alive and offer them to me. In return, well, I can give one man a lot more focused power than an entire group of idiot followers." He said.

"Now hold on, I don't want to be killing innocents." Al said. The fallen angel laughs, but he remains completely still.

"Oh no. Believe it or not, the wicked ones of society make for far richer meals. You'll be hunting murders, rapists, typical scum of the Earth. You'll get the powers and tools necessary to hunt them and I'll get a good meal every few days." He said.

The god stretches a hand in Alastor's direction.

"Is it a deal, Alastor?" He said. How does he know my name? Has he been watching me? Al asked himself.

Once again, without hesitation, Alastor grasped the hand of darkness in front of him. Thunder echoes through the room as the two shook hands, the god tightly holds on to Al and laughs. Alastor pulled his hand away with a whimper. It was like he touched the sun. His hand didn't appear to be injured in any way, but it stung like a bitch!

"What the heck was-" Alastor cut himself off as the short man was now gone. "that?"

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