Chapter 1

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The next day the two hunters arrive at Stanford university to talk to Sam in the hopes he would help them find John. Tobias decided to wait in the car as he was too lazy to climb over the locked gate and up to Sam's apartment window. Just thinking about all that effort was making him yawn. Dean had rolled his eyes at him when he heard his reason but left anyway to break into his little brothers apartment. 

Toby must have been sitting there for about 20 minutes when the sound of voices heading towards him caught his attention. ".....melting the silver into bullets, man we were raised like warriors" he recognized Sam's voice say. "So what are you going to do? You gonna live some normal apple pie life" Toby hears Dean speak. "Not normal, safe" Sam corrects him making Toby realize that this conversation isn't going in the direction Dean wanted it to. "So that's why you ran away" Dean digs at Sam making Toby shake his head at the uncalled for blow. "I was just going to college. It was dad who said if i was gonna go i should stay gone. So that's what I'm doing" Sam reminds him. Toby decided he should take this chance and jump into the conversation, not wanting the tension to continue. So he opens the passenger door gaining both mens attention and hops out to face them before saying "John's in trouble and we could use your help". Sam sends his brother-in-law a small smile "i was beginning to wonder where you were, you are never too far from Dean". While the brothers had a bit of bad blood from their last encounter, Toby and Sam didn't have any and it's due to the fact that the Marshall now Winchester man stood up to John in favor of Sam. He used to look up to John alongside his dad since he first met him but after finding out what he was truly like, he began to rebel against the man a lot. Especially when he didn't like Toby and Deans relationship. It took Dean a good few years to accept the fact that he was actually bisexual instead of straight because he was too busy worrying about what John would think. Toby had helped him with a lot of it. 

Eventually when they were both eighteen, Dean asked Toby one night if he could kiss him to help him finally accept his sexuality. Toby had agreed and it led to Dean realizing his true feelings for the boy while Toby had known he liked him for two years. John was not happy about their relationship or their marriage but it was one of the only things Dean fought against him on. 

"I was too lazy to take the long way" is Toby's simple reply. "Look we can't do this alone" Dean tells his brother bringing them back on track. "Yes you can Dean" Sam assures him because he has seen his brother in action and he knows how good he is. "Yeah well i don't want to" Dean says while looking away seeming to not want to admit it. Sam looks off to the side thinking to himself for a minute before looking back at his brother with a sigh "what was he hunting?". Dean opens the trunk before lifting up a hidden compartment to reveal an arsenal of weapons used to hunt many different creatures. He begins searching the trunk for the hunting file which Toby had in his jacket. Toby realized he must have forgot and smirked to himself, waiting to see if he would realize this fact. "So when dad left why didn't you two go with him?" Sam questions them both curiously. "We were working our own gig. This voodoo thing down in New Orleans" Dean answered him still searching the trunk. "Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself" Sam points out in slight surprise. Dean slowly turns his head to look at him "we're twenty six dude". Toby decides he's had enough of waiting for Dean to find the file and pulls it out to hold in front of his husbands face. Dean moves his focus onto him and playfully glares at him receiving a sweet smile in response. He takes the file from him and both turn to look at Sam, standing in front of him. 

"Dad was checking out this two lane black top right outside Jericho, California. About a month ago this guy, they found his car but he had vanished, completely MIA" Dean begins explains his father's last case. "So maybe he was kidnapped" Sam offers up the suggestion trying to show them it could be a normal everyday thing that happens. "Except here's another one in April, another in December 04, 03, 98, 92, ten of them over the last twenty years. All men, all same five mile stretch of road" Tobias further explains to the youngest Winchester. "It started happening more and more so dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago and we haven't heard from him since which is bad enough" Dean continues saying before playing the voicemail they received from John for Sam to hear. "You know there's EVP on that" Sam points out making Dean and Toby smile proudly at him. "Not bad Sammy kind of like riding a bike isn't it" Dean tells him getting a shake of the head from his brother. "Alright, i slowed the message down and ran it through a gold wave" Dean begins to say only for a fake cough to interrupt him. He turns his head to look at Toby who was giving him a pointed look with his eyebrow raised. "Who slowed the message down and ran it through a gold wave?" Tobias rhetorically asks him with his arms crossed and hip out to the side. Dean sighs and turns back to an amused looking Sam "Toby slowed the message down and ran it through a gold wave. Took out the hiss and this is what he got". An eerie woman's voice came through the recorder saying 'i can never go home'. Sam repeats what he heard to himself while Dean removes the shot gun holding the trunk up, letting it fall closed. "You know in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing" Dean points out to him in the hopes it would be enough to finally convince him to help them. "Alright, I'll go, I'll help you find him but i have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here" Sam finally agrees and turns to head back inside to gather his stuff. "What's first thing Monday?" His brothers voice stops him and makes him look back at them. "I have an interview" he answers him a little hesitantly. "A job interview, skip it" Dean tells him with a careless shrug receiving a hard nudge from Toby. He looks at his husband confused only to receive a small scolding look before they both give their attention back to Sam. "It's a law school interview and it's my whole future on a plate" Sam clarifies for him "so do we have a deal?". Dean doesn't answer him but Sam decides to trust him and heads back into his apartment to gather his things. 

"What did you nudge me for?" Dean questions Toby in confusion. "You didn't notice how happy and proud he was to have an opportunity like that. He was even hesitant to tell you cause he knew you would say something like that. He probably thinks you don't care and you're not proud of him" Toby explains the reason behind his actions. "I am!" Dean insists firmly feeling almost insulted that he thinks that. "Then tell him that Dean. What you just said makes it seem like you arn't. He looks up to you and it would mean the world to him if you told him you were proud. I know you don't like to talk about what your feeling most of the time but he would really appreciate it" Tobias further explains to his husband. Dean looks thoughtfully off to the side for a minute until he looks back at Toby to say "alright i'll try". "Thanks baby" Toby says with familiar butterflies in his stomach before leaning over to press his smooth lips to Dean's soft ones.

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