Chapter 2

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Tobias was stood in one of the many aisles of a gas station store trying to make a very difficult decision. M an M's or squishies. Two of his favourite sweets. Unlike his husband, Toby doesn't like to eat a lot of sweets at one time. He usually just buys one pack and it lasts him a few days. Unfortunately he had a craving for both today so this was an extremely tough decision. Dean happens to turn onto the same aisle and catches sight of his lover intensely shifting his eyes between the two packets in his hands. He didn't need to be a mind reader to know that Toby was trying to use eenie meanie miney mo to make a decision. He does it way too often for the simplest decisions. It makes Dean shake his head with a fond smile and chuckle slightly at the frustrated look that appears on Toby's face. Looks like he didn't like the outcome. 

"Babe just get them both, it's not gonna kill you" Dean tells him once he was standing next to Toby and picking out his own sweets. Toby continues to stare at the two packets for another minute before shaking his head with a sigh "fuck it, my craving is too strong". "Atta boy" Dean praises him with a slap to his ass as he heads to the till to pay for his items. Toby barely reacted to the public display since he was well used to it by now. Only smiled slightly and followed behind his lover to the register. 

"Dude, you have gotta update your cassette tapes" is the first thing Tobias hears once he climbs into the back seat of the impala. "Why?" Dean questions feeling completely confused. "Well one, they're cassette tapes and two, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica. It's the greatest hits of mullet rock" Sam replies. "So? They're good songs" Tobias defends the tape collection. Dean turns round to point at him "this is one of the reasons why I married you". "Oh yeah? What's the other reason?" Tobias asks with a grin while placing some squishies in his mouth. "Your nice ass obviously" Dean responds in a duh tone making Sam want to jump out of the car to avoid listening to this conversation. "You are obsessed with it I swear" Toby tells his husband with fake exasperation. Having enough Sam cuts into their conversation "can you please have this conversation when I'm not here and Dean please update your music". The two older men chuckle at how uncomfortable Sam was before Dean tells him "house rules Sammy driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole". With that said, Metallica begins blaring through the speakers as they drive off down the road towards their first case.

"Thank you" Sam tells who ever he is talking to on the phone before hanging up "so there's no one matching dad's description at the hospital or morgue. That's something I guess". Right as he finished saying that they come upon a bridge that is surrounded by police cars. Dean slows down the car and parks a little away from the cars so they can observe what's going on better. In sync both Dean and Toby reach for their fake ID's, one going through their bag and the other through the glove compartment, and pull out the appropriate one's for the situation. When they both look back up they see Sam with an incredulous look on his face as he looks between them. Both just smile at him before climbing out of the car to speak to the cops. 

"You had another one like this just last month, didn't you?" Dean asks a dark skinned cop once they are close enough to the crime scene. The man looks at all three of them in surprise and confusion while asking "who are you?". "Federal Marshals" Tobias answers him while him and Dean flash their fake badges at him. "You three are a little young to be Marshals" he observes. Dean chuckles slightly "thanks that's awfully kind of you. You did have another one just like this, correct?". "That's right, about a mile up the road and there have been other's before that" he answers them leaving Dean and Toby to circle the car and look for anything the cops might have missed. "So this victim, you knew him?" Sam asks the man after over hearing his previous conversation with another cop. The man nods "town like this everybody knows everybody". "Any connection between the victims besides that they're all men?" Toby curiously questions the man still circling the car with Dean. "Not so far as we can tell" the cop answers him honestly making Toby furrow his eyebrows in confusion. "What's the theory?" Sam is the next one to ask as he begins circling the rear end of the car until he's standing next to Dean and Toby. "Honestly we don't know, cereal murder, kidnapping ring" he lists the things he thought it was. "Well that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys" Dean says getting his foot stamped on by Sam while Toby struggles to hold in a snort. "Thank you for your time" Sam tells the man before all three begin to walk away.

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