Chapter 8

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The Winchesters had been on the road for a while looking for a case when they decide to stop for a break outside a coffee shack. Noah was currently taking large gulps of his hot chocolate and humming in happiness. It made the couple laugh when he finally put the cup down only to reveal his chocolate mustache. Picking up a tissue from the table Toby begins wiping the boys upper lip chuckling "my god you are so messy". Dean shrugs with a smile turning his attention back to the laptop in front of him "shows he's enjoying it at least". Noah tries to wriggle away from Toby so he could get back to his drink but huffs in annoyance when he isn't successful. "Relax and have patience, you can drink the rest in a second" Toby tells him with an amused smile finally pulling away. A big grin appears on Noah's face while instantly moving to grab the cup and drink more of his hot chocolate. "Want a refill baby?" Dean stands up from his seat holding his cup and pointing at Toby's which used to be full of green tea. "Yes please" Toby politely responds with a smile tilting his head back to look at his husband. "Alright, I'll be back in a second" Dean says leaning down to share a short kiss with Toby before walking away. When Toby pulls his head upright again his eyes connect with those of a middle aged couple who had seen the exchange. The looks of disgust on their faces give him his answers about their thoughts on the LGBTQ+ community. He narrows his eyes at them as a challenge to say something but they seem to decide that leaving is a better option. He hated people like that. Ok, so they don't support people like him but the least they could do is keep their obvious disgust to themselves. He wasn't doing any harm in loving his husband so why couldn't they just mind their own business. "Toby why were they looking at you like that?" Noah questions him pulling him away from his annoyed thoughts. Toby scratched the back of his head wondering how he should explain this to him "um, some people don't like the fact that boys can like boys and girls can like girls. Even though it's not a bad thing, it's just the way some people think". Noah blinks at him a couple of times then furrows his eyebrows with a frown "that's stupid". Toby chuckles at his response "yeah it is but that's just how some people are". "Well they shouldn't be" Noah firmly states with a nod turning to his spaceship colouring book. Grabbing a crayon he starts filling in a new page, his tongue sticking out in concentration. They had gotten him the book and crayons earlier in the week to help fight off his boredom on long car rides. This led him to discovering that he loved to colour and draw, so naturally just under half the book was already filled. "Here you go" Dean says placing a fresh cup of green tea in front of him and retaking his seat. Toby gratefully smiles at him lifting it up to take a sip "thanks love". "Dean" Noah calls out looking up from his book. "Yeah buddy?" Dean responds looking away from Toby to look at him. "Where we going next?" He asks him curiously switching his green crayon for a red one. "Uh well I think I found a case but let's wait till Sam gets back from the phone. I'll explain it then" Dean explains getting a nod from Noah "kay". 

"Speak of the devil" Toby mutters once he looks up only to see Sam making his way back over to them from where he had been using the payphone. "Your uh, half caf double vanilla latte is getting cold over here Francis" Dean teases his brother who doesn't look the slightest bit amused. "Bite me" is his annoyed response slumping into the only vacant seat at the table. "Anything?" Dean asks him not looking up from the laptop in front of him. Sam had been checking everything he could get his hands on for signs of John but he wasn't having any luck so far. Toby had honestly lost all hope of looking for him now since he knew John was really good at hiding. However he kept these thoughts to himself knowing it would just anger the Winchester brothers. Sam shakes his head with a look of clear frustration on his face "I even checked the FBI missing person data bank. No John Does fitting dad's description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations". Toby looks down at the cup in his hand not giving any comment on the topic. Dean slowly blinks at his brother with a small shake of his head "Sam I'm telling you I don't think dad wants to be found". The tallest Winchester just grits his teeth in annoyance. Dean turns the laptop so all three adults can see the screen "check this out. News item out of plains courier Iowa, it's only about a hundred miles from here". Sam reads the report which describes a man's mutilated body had been found on a stretch of road. The interesting part was that they couldn't identify a killer cause the sole witness said they were invisible. Toby's eyebrows rose at that in interest. "A ghost" Noah suggests towards the adults looking up from his colouring book. Dean looks at him then shrugs "maybe". "It could be nothing. One freaked out witness who didn't see anything, doesn't mean it's the invisible man" Sam says not believing that this was their kind of case. "What if it is?" Dean counters before Toby says "come on Sam, it's worth checking it out". Seeing that he wasn't fully convinced Dean says one more thing to drive it home "dad would check it out". With that simple sentence they are off towards their next case. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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