Chapter 6

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It's been a few weeks since they met Noah and they've had one other case since then. A demon had possessed passengers on a plane causing it to crash. Toby had let the brothers take care of that case as his leg was hurting and he was sick that time. This allowed him to spend some quality time with Noah resulting in their bond becoming just that bit stronger. Now they were currently sat in the Impala about to start a new case when Sam begins to twitch from a nightmare. "Sam, wake up" Dean calls out to his brother while shaking him making the man jump awake. He frantically looks around at their surroundings trying to gather his bearings and realize he wasn't where he thought he was. "You ok Sammy?" Noah asks him in concern with a frown, giving his teddy a squeeze in the process. "I- I'm fine pal. I take it I was having a nightmare" he tells the young boy then directs the last part towards his brother and brother in law. "Yeah, another one" Dean states trying to hide the worry in his tone. They were all worried but any time they tried to talk to him about it he would change the subject or brush them off. "Hey, at least I got some sleep" Sam says trying to bring up a positive point in the situation but it's not helping to ease their worry. "You know sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about this" Dean tells Sam. "He's right Sam, maybe it could help ease the nightmares if we talked about it" Toby agrees with Dean watching the tallest Winchester through concerned eyes. "Are we here?" Sam asks completely brushing them off again making Toby sigh in annoyance. Feeling a small hand creep into his own Toby looks to his left where Noah sat giving him a small smile hoping to make him feel better. Toby returns the smile alongside a thankful squeeze to his hand. "Yup, welcome to Toledo, Ohio" Dean answers him looking out the windshield. Sam picks up the newspaper from the seat between them to look at the obituary of a Mr. Shoemaker they circled "so what do you think really happened to this guy?". "That's what we're gonna find out" Dean tells him placing John's journal in the backseat. All four of them then get out of the car and head towards the mortuary. "Do you want me to carry you?" Toby asks Noah who walked next to him holding his hand. Noah looks like he wants to say yes but something seems to be holding him back "is that ok?". "Of course it's ok" Toby reassures him before picking him up and placing him on his hip. Noah goes stiff in his hold not quite sure how to react which both Toby and Dean notice. Dean had heard the conversation between the two and just knew they were gonna have to teach Noah how to be a normal kid. If they ever meet his mother he swears he's gonna give that woman a piece of his mind. "Noah" Dean calls bringing the child's attention to him "it's ok. You don't have to be scared about us giving out to you for silly things. We aren't your mum. If you have a question or want something don't be afraid to ask, ok?". 

Noah slowly nods which gives them the hint it will take him a while to be comfortable enough to just be himself. That's ok though, they can wait and give him a helping hand where he needs it. By that time they had reached morgue number 144 and walked in to see a young bald man reading at his desk. "Can I help you?" He asks them once they were standing in front of his desk. "We're the med students" Dean lies making Noah look up at Toby in confusion. "Remember what we told you, when we tell a lie you have to go along with it. Not everyone knows about monsters and this is how we keep them safe" Toby whispers in Noah's ear making sure the man didn't hear them. Noah nods in remembrance. He would do what Toby told him cause he wanted to help keep people safe. "Sorry?" The man questions them in confusion which is understandable since they weren't real med students. "Oh, Dr. Feiklowicz didn't tell you?" Dean questions stumbling over the name while pointing over at the empty desk. Noah giggles at his stumble with Toby quietly shushing him with his own smile. "We talked to him on the phone, we're from Ohio state. He was suppose to show us the Shoemaker corpse. It's for our paper" Dean continues the lie. "What about the kid?" The man asks glancing at Noah who hides his face in Toby's neck. "Babysitter bailed last minute" Toby lies with a fake look of annoyance getting a nod of understanding from the man. "Well I'm sorry, he's at lunch" he tells them talking about the absent doctor. "You don't mind just showing us the body, do you?" Dean pushes hoping the man will agree. Unfortunately, luck isn't on their side. "Sorry I can't. Doc will be back in an hour, you can wait for him if you want" he tells them. "An hour, oooh we gotta be heading back to Columbus by then. Ah, look man this paper is like half our grade so if you don't mind helping us out-" Dean tries to insist before the guy cuts him off "oh look man no". Dean chuckles in annoyance while turning around and muttering "I'm gonna hit him in his face I swear". Toby snorts but tries to cover it with a cough getting a glare from Dean in the process. Sam pats his brothers back moving in front of him to place money in front of the man making Dean sigh in annoyance. "Follow me" the man instructs picking up the money and leaving the room. Sam goes to follow when Dean pulls him back "dude, I earned that money". "You won it in a poker game" Sam counters being able to walk away this time. Dean looks to Toby thinking he would back him up but his husband just shakes his head and follows Sam with Noah in his arms. "What?" He hears Dean question behind him.

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