3. The idea

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Rick's pov

I was watching Karlie Moonshine during their JV practice, she was insanely good, if varsity had a open spot she would have got it.

She is exactly what I need to help me keep my spot as captain, I was slacking this year and I needed to keep up my game, so I went down laced up my skates and got on the ice, ready to talk to a very pretty and very talented girl, I was insanely nervous.

She turned to me and said, " Uh hi, should I go?"

"No no, actually I wanted to ask you something?"


"Well your Karlie Moonshine right?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"I'm Rick Riley, and I have a favor to ask."

"Well what's the favor?"

"Well you seem to be very talented on the ice and I was wondering since I've been slacking if you could train me so I can  keep my spot as captain,"

"What's in it for me?"

"Well I was thinking and you want to have popularity right, you know the good kind,"

"Yeah but what are you trying to offer?"

"Okay, if you train me, I will be your fake boyfriend so you can get good social status."

She took a little to think about it but quickly said,"Okay, deal." She continues, " but for the fake dating there has to be some rules."

"Okay, like what?"

"We'll talk about them tomorrow before first period, Anyways I'll train you later at night, after the JV practice, five days a week."

"Okay it's a deal," I took a pause, "babe."
Karlie pov

He just called me babe, admittedly I wanted to scream of excitement, the insanely hot varsity captain called me babe and is now my fake boyfriend.

"I'll walk you to your dorm, Moonshine."

"Okay, let's go now, I got enough practice in anyway."

We both started switched are skates to shoes. We started walking  and Rick put his arm around my shoulders, he walked me to my dorm with very few people seeing us.

I got back and unlocked the door, Julie and Connie greeted me as Rick said goodbye.

"Oooooh karlie, who's that?" She asked, I already knew I was going Connie and Julie about the fake boyfriend situation, because I know they won't tell anyone the truth.

"Girls I have a story for you, so I was on the ice practicing after our practice like I usually do and Rick Riley the varsity captain came to talk to me. Turns out he's been slacking at hockey practices so he asked me to train him, so obviously I asked what was in it for me, and since he's super hot and popular, we are now fake dating so I can have a good social status."

"Wow," They both said at the same time.

"He is pretty hot, good job Moonshine." Connie said.

"I wanted to tell you guys the truth, cause I trust you, obviously I trust the whole team but not a lot of people can know,"

"Makes sense," they both says

We basically gossiped until like nine at night, when Connie had to leave.

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