Death Talk

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Time proceeded, and life as well,Teddy never stoped growing up and learning, and Andy meet her peacfull end while she was asleep befor Teddys eleventh year.They had each other for bereavement in that crisis and moved over it in life with her lovly memories in their hearts.Then the letter of Hogwarts came for Teddy after his eleventh birthday , here Seraphina thought to keep him close and send him to Salem Academy or Ilvermony School for Witchcraf and Wizerdry, then regressed...why deprive Remus son from seeing and liveing in the place his father considered his first home like her?. And so she sended the reply letter and had the talk with Teddy about her false death to make sure he understood that all her public appearances with him will be in her discuse as his gaurdian.
He was a smart boy, and understood everything with so much wisdom for his age he promised to keep the secret, and told her that no matter what she looked like she will always be his cool godmother, the response made her cry and hug him tightly.And so her precious boy went to his school and began his journey.
Years and years and Teddy turned from her adorable little boy to a brilliant young man, handsom and prave, everything she was and his parents would be proud of and more.When he was growing up Seraphina began to relaize the wight of her immortality, the first time it strucked her were when she huged him in his thired year in the christmas holiday and he reached her shoulder instat her wist,she cried that night after he went to sleep, the thoughts of her godson..his friends..will grow up and soon be older than her, while she is forever the 18 years old girl were scary.
And their were nothing to do but bitter acceptancy.
Her sweet Thunderbird never stoped growing as well, he became the size of a small elephant, his golden and few silver feathers added to his beauty, and they glow sequently when she tuch them or rub under his beak or on his wings, sometimes he make stormy evenings and fly around singing, or make rings of fire to extinguish it by his ice.And sometimes he would feed her some happiness thru thier bound wherever she reach a hight level in her despression and sadness.
Her planned reveng came to fructify, Ronald Weasly had been arrested for casting the unforgivable torture curse on one of londons famous narcatic drugs dealer earning himself 'a one way ticket to Azkaban'.
And The Brightest Witch Of Her Age became ergomaniac (more than befor) and in her stubborness trying to proof that the accident in the Ministry was someone else, for her to go back to her past (glory) and job, she caused an explosion that burst her flatlets building, killing her,tow men and earning three more grievous injuries that the Ministry workers healed and then Obiviated.
The Ministry left the Malfoys go from its frantic search on the Hallows, after Draco threaten traviling and stabilizing in France using his Paternal great grandmother from his mother side( wich means she was a Black..the irony) magical national Statue and drow out the Malfoys opulence from the British Magicals and merge with the Franch Ministry insteat, useing the frail situation of their three political scandals.
Her godson obtained his Mastries,and made a career...falled in love and got married. Here Seraphina did the hardest thing since her walk in to the Forbbiden Forest to die, she Obliviated him and his wife to forget her immortality and think she died peacfully like his grandmother, to live a happy life with his family not wighted with his ceaselesswory on her, while she watched him be happy and have children from afar.
Sometimes after that...she would get too low in numbness even Tempest could not pull her from it debths, because no one lives forever can do so without a stage came in the form of a bone deeb emptieness..and even knowing it would be pointless she would try to kill herself, and each time she meet another failour and come back.She know the killing curse will fail to work as it never did, so she didn't feel strange after she came back from her first suiside, but it made her sigh.
Then the ways became more bloody, cuted wrists..cuted throat...a fall from a mountain in to a rocky glacis only to be useless as others,and for her to wake up not long,healed and alone in a clearing in the Forbbiden Forest she know too well.
Each new method to die end in life breathen back in to her repaired body after a nuge from the dark, pushing her back to the world like her work was not done.
In her last return, she and Death had the talk...


Seraphina was again in the damned station, laying down on the white marple ground...waiting to come back from her 20,,or was it the 21 try to die..she lost count,funny, then she felt 'him',and suddenly it was not numpness she felt but much rage..why is he here? Better yet why is she here? She want to go her mother and father..her godfather and uncle in all but blood...she want rest she want peace...isn't the natural order of things to die and move on?.
Seraphina stood up in one fast motion, and locked her gaze with the faceless dark entity and said with rage:" What do you want, why are you not taking me to the next step, I don't want to be here or go bake.I don't want to be an undying freak of nature"
Death stood silent for a minute then replied:"My Mistress...This is unexpected but..not so surprising, and that consummates the agreement"
Seraphina:" What do you mean,what do you want ?!"
Death:"The real question is..what do You want?, will you be my Mistress Seraphina Amythys Potter?"
Seraphina:"No!!..I don't want to..please I just want to rest and Convene with my loved ones).
Death:"I'm sorry Mistress..but I can not grant you that...even with all my powers.It took too long to bring someone like you in my plan of excisting, you are the only creature in all worlds who deserves to be my companion, the first mortal to shurg off the curse of death not once but twice, you in many ways are my great grandchild".
Here Death snap his fingers and Seraphina feel her insides freeze to ice, then the familiar feeling of Death dark and cold magic rushed thru her viens, a power she could not understand setteld deep in her bons and Core and then it drown to her, Death now bounded itself to her, warbed itself tightly to her soul, and now she would never be rid of it.
Serahina crying:"No no no ! PLEASE!, please I don't want it"
Death:"It is Done,Your answer only affirmed that I made the right choice" Seraphina:"But I refused!", Death with his dark face his voice no longer cold and impty but appeared to fathomless and full of wisdom:"You don't want to be my Mistress....but you have fulifiled the conditions, and gathered all my Hallows","By accident!!!" She insisted eyes still wet.Death:"But you sealed you fate..when you selflessly turned down my power, even if you collected my three Hallows I would never have conceded to make you my Mistress if you were too happy to accept, and now my power is yours..and it will grow with time..and you you will understand it..The shadows and darkness are my domain, as all creatures that tuches death, and now its yours" then he lowered itself to her level and suddenly she had the three Hallows on her again, he bowed his head while Seraphina shocked hers hard and said:"No no no, but I said no! THAT MEANS I DON'T WANT IT!!!".
Death:"It means you are the right person for the job, and that you will not take what the role imlpies lightly "
Seraphina her dispair slowly growing:"what job?,what is this Mistress of Death role is or means?"
Death:"It means to keep the balance" and befor she could talk he continues:"look befor you" suddenly the white station is gone and befor her were vast darkness and stars, she was in space...there were too many planets some like earth and some don't, then some started to crumble in to nothing and while doing so effect the ones beside it, Seraphina never saw such a horrifying sight..every thing looked soo real sounded soo real.."Because it is real Mistress" Death talked as it was reading her thoughts,then everything was back to the familiar white inbetween.
Death:"You see what is happining.Too much life brings discord to the world..such as too much life,only magic remains the balancing factor that tips the scales in of life.
And if life remains unchecked without death or magic..the chaos will be unleashed and in turn destruction and nothingness.You as my Mistress are my medium in the universe,thru wich to act ipone the many worlds thar scatter across the fabric of multiple realities.Look at what happened to that world Seraphina..I desperately wanted to reserve the balance, but without a medium to act and enforce my powers, world will fall more in to disaster.
Only Death can bring balance to Life.And there are too many agent in the world who wants Chaos my dear..".
Seraphina here felt so much wight on her shoulders and so very tired,she went on her knees and started to cry...she cried for what seemed too long ,and Death went silent until she was startled when felt his cold bony hand on her head he spoke softly":I can't say I understand what you are feeling right now child...but I understant its alot to handle right I will give you time to think every thing over and accept you will soon come back to the living world..I will see you in a few years".
Seraphina haorsly answer:"And if I still say no?"
Death:"I have all the time in the world to convince you Mistress, think it through..I'm putting iternity and power,the whole worlds at your feet...".

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