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Jennie's POV

"Jennie, how does this look," My professional make-up designer asks. I look in the mirror and smile.

"It looks great, thank you, how do you think?" I ask while smoothing my hair. 

"Definitely, I will leave now, have fun" She replied. I nodded and looked at my phone, Okay, calm it's only 45 minutes, all I need to do is to finish today and tomorrow. 

"Unnie, come to my room" Come Jisoo's voice. I take my phone and bag and walk toward Jisoo's room. 

"Jennie, you look so good, trust me maybe one day you guys will be together" Come out Jisoo before I even knocked. She hands me one of the chocolate waffles she brought yesterday. 

"Thanks, Unnie, but remember your word, soon you will see it's wrong," I said, taking a bite of the chocolate waffle. OMG, the chocolate waffle tasted like heaven, the crispness was just crazy.

"Where do you buy this, I have to go there someday," I said while taking another bite. 

Jisoo laughed "I brought it from Limburg Waffle, It really delicious, it was such a long queue, I have to wait for like 20 hours, so I brought lots, there's around 15 more in the kitchen"

I laugh, Jisoo is so herself, she's so happy right now. 

"Anyway, I better go, I can't be late, tell me about what you learned in the dance rehearsal today," I said, putting my phone in my bag. 

She nodded. 

"Have fun, I want to hear all about it later" She said. 

I left her room and went downstairs, I put on my mask and my shoe. 

"Bye Unnie, have fun" I shout. 

"Bye, love you" they all shout back. 

I smile, that's the great thing about best friends. 


"37, this should be it," I said, ringing the doorbell, Wow,  this is super cool, the house if not a house, it's a big mansion. 

I ring the doorbell nervously, I check my phone for the 5th time, I can't get this wrong, if I went to the wrong house, my fan would recognize me straight away. 

"Is this Jennie from Blackpink to meet Kim Taehyung?" The voice speaker said. 

"Yes," I replied. 

"Kim Taehyung will be with you straight away"

Omgg, I quickly tidied my hair and put on some extra lipstick. 

"Hi," A deep voice said behind me, no it can't be, how can he be behind me, I didn't even see him coming toward me, I took a deep breath and turn around. And there it is, Kim Taehyung standing behind me, wearing a blue shirt and jeans.

"Hi" I replied, too nervous to say anything else. 

He takes off his mask "Let's get in, and talk inside"

I follow him inside the house, you would not believe how big it is, 20 people can literally live in it!

"So, any drink? Coffee, juice, tea?" Taehyung asks, when we get to the kitchen

I shake my head "No thanks" 


"Phone number, give me your phone," Taehyung said, handing me his phone. I took my phone out of my bag and handed it to Taehyung. I type in my phone number and hand it back. 

"I will send a post on Instagram saying we're together, then we can go on from there," Taeyhung said, handing me my phone

I nodded, and we sit there for 2 minutes of silence, ahh this is so embarrassing! The silence breaks with a loud knock on the door. 

"Come in" Taehyung shouted

"This looks cozy, why don't you guys get along," Jungkook said, sitting between me and Taehyung. 

Jungkook has always been my idol, ever since. But I never met him before. But the feeling doesn't feel as great as I thought. 

I sigh and turned toward Jungkook

"Jungkook, nice to meet you. I hope we can get along" I said, beaming. 

"Oh come on, don't be so serious, if Taehyung ever hurt you, tell me, and I'll sort it out," Jungkook said while laughing. 

I smile and nodded. 

Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought. 

I got Jungkook,

and my best friends. 

The love between idols (Taennie)Where stories live. Discover now