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Jennie's POV

When Kai was about to leave, Lisa comes down, everything was like a mess. Lisa's eyes were full of anger and both hurt. What has Kai said or done? Kai gives me a wink and left. But my attention wasn't on how cute Kai looked when he wink, my attention was on Lisa.

"Jennie, you and I need to talk" When she said my name in that voice, I know it was about me.  Rosé gives me a worried glance as I walk away. 

As Lisa bangs the door close, I am more scared than ever. I am never scared of anyone, especially my best friend, but looking at those angry eyes and her every move, I feel scared. I lean against the door, wanting her to speak first. And when Lisa does speak it was a strange but worrying question. 

"Jennie, are you my friend?" Her voice was shaky but also a spark of anger. 

"WHAT? Lisa you know I am your best friend. Why would you think that?" I asked. Lisa take a deep breath, ready to spit out everything "Well I don't think so, because you betray me but also lies to me"

I am getting more confused then ever, did I betray her? 

"Look at your face, Jennie. You still don't know what I'm talking about? Well, I'll tell you, you know I love Kai, and after I told you, you think you got the perfect chance to get a boyfriend. And you start hanging up and flirting with him" Lisa is shouting now. I have been waiting for this moment, this moment when Lisa tells me everything I did was wrong. 

"Lisa, I'm sorry. You can have him" I said. There are now tears in her eyes "Yeah, I can have him. I can have him when you already have a boyfriend. Is this what a friend or a best friend should be treating" 

I don't know why but his word made me angry "Lisa, my whole life, all I hear is your guys talking about guys, what about me? I never wanted one, but when I met Taehyung, I love him. And can't I just be friends with him? All the other girls who play with him, are you going to be jealous of that? and what about Jungkook?" 

"Because you're my best friend, will least I thought you were. I thought you were going to tell him I love him, but instead, you, betray me. I love Jungkoook, but you really really think I can just forget everything I have with him?" Lisa shouts, I never heard her so angry before. 

"I already told you, you can have him. I'll just stop going out with him" I said, trying to be calm. 

Lisa shook his head "Jennie, I don't know. Today, you show me you aren't my friend anymore. I don't want to see you, leave" Lisa pointed at the door, as more tears rolled down her eyes. Looking at her, this heartbroken made me hurt. 


"LEAVE!, I hate you Jennie" Lisa screamed. I hesitated and then leave her room. I went up to my room, I need comfort. Nobody, not even my best friend can give me comfort. There's only Taehyung. 

I lay down on my bed, but instead of calling Taehuyng, I decided to go to him. I haven't met him since our confession. 


Hey, Are you at the house? 

I got a message almost immediately. 


Hey, yeah. Wanna come?


Yeah, but I want some time out, need to get some new clothes. Hopefully, be at the house at 2:00


Okay. Want to see you. 

I smile at his nice comment, but I still feel slightly guilty for what I did. Instead of packing my bag, I want to buy some new clothes. I went downstairs and found Rosé eating her breakfast. 

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