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[3rd Person] All the students of ANHS, all staff, the chairman, and surprisingly Ayanopapa are all sitting in a dark room faced by a dark, mysterious individual. However, the mysterious individual was looking directly at one person and that person only, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Little did they know, what they were about to see would change their perspective for all time... Let it continue. :)

[Mysterious Individual] "Alright, now we will be moving to an event that took place around the time of midterms. Yes, before you ask it will be from the perspective of one, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka."

[Nagumo] "If I may ask, why from his perspective, oh great one? I would be a much better fit, no doubt, as I surpass everyone, except my beloved Horikita-Senpai." HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHA

[Asahina] "Shut up, you blonde clown in disguise. Here we go, with you boasting in front of everyone, once again... Tch, just stay quiet please!!!!"

[Horikita M] "As you might recall, Nagumo, Ayanokouji surpasses you in every single way. Don't be so overconfident."

"I think you are just overestimating me senpai, I am just an ordinary member of Class D."

[Horikita M] "Humble as always huh, good to know."

[Horikita S] Is this going to be about the time where Ayanokouji-kun brought up the idea to buy a test point for Sudo's passing grade? It feels like most of the videos we will see here today are going to be about him most likely... no most definitely.

[Chairman] I think I have an idea about what the video is going to be about. However, one can never be to sure, when it comes to the members of the Ayanokouji family. Hmm, what is sensei going to do, if 'that place' gets revealed?

[Ayanopapa] "Hello, why am I here, if I may ask?"

[Mysterious Individual] "I brought you here because I felt like it, got any problems with that?"

I do, why did you have to bring him......

[Mysterious Individual] I am sorry, my lord, however I needed him for when I reveal the White Room.

So, you are going to reveal that place, huh? Also, why the "my lord"?

[Mysterious Individual] Yes, sorry about that.


[Mysterious Individual] "Shut up Ike and Yamauchi, or I will expose you as perverts you truly are. :). Alright, we will start the video now."

I left the classroom shortly after Chabashira left, using the excuse of the bathroom to leave. I made my way quickly to the faculty room, wondering if sensei has already arrived or not? As I was thinking that, I found her looking outside of the window, into the first-floor hallway, as if she was waiting for someone...

[Onodera] "Hmmmmmm, why though?"

[Matsushita] "Very suspicious, as if looks like you already knew everything, and had planned it out..."

[Gyaru Girls] "Yeah........."

"Ayanokouji? Class will begin any minute now, you know?"

Sensei, would it be alright if I asked you one question in particular?

"One question? Is this the reason of you going to the trouble of chasing me all the way to this location?"

[Sakayanagi] "Fufufu, I see now."

[Koenji] "As have I, as the perfect existence would."

[Everyone] "Smh."

[Kanzakie] "What question are you going to ask?"

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