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The small girl snapped out of the trance she'd been in to see her mother scrambling up towards her.

"Anya! Thank goodness you're okay! But why are you here, sweetie? I thought you were going to..." when Anya didn't look up, Yor followed her eyes to the body in front of them. "To...Loid!!!!"

Yor dropped to her knees, using her strength to pull the rocks off the body, but she finally reached a point, hands red and scarred, where they got too big for her to move them.

"Loid! Wake up! Please!" She gasped, putting a finger to her husband's throat, then her eyes widened even more and tears started overflowing.

My mission! No, I don't even care about that! What can I do? How can I save him? I have to save him!

Without thinking, she put her lips to her husband's and blew in, then pushed his chest, trying not to let her tears get in the way. But Loid didn't move.

"M-Mama..." Anya whispered hoarsely. "You can save papa, right? You're awesome and you can d-do anything...right?" The small girl slid blankly off the dog, then took a few, stumbling steps towards her father.

"You two! Get away from the body!" Two poliecemen ran up towards them, one reaching out to pull Anya back from Loid. Yor growled deep in her throat, releasing Loid to turn and face them as they reached the pair.

Anya realized what she was about to do and cried, "Mama! Stop!"

Yor froze, staring at the child as the poliecemen pulled them back, examining Loid's body.

"Do you two know this man?" the officer keeping Yor back asked seriously.

"He-He's my husband..." Yor pointed a shaking finger at Anya, "and her father. But he's not dead. He—he can't be!"

"And the dog?" the other officer asked. "He matches the description of one of the dogs the terrorists h—"

"WHO GIVES A DAMN ABOUT THE FUCKING DOG!?" Yor screamed, tears rushing down her face. She swung a fist at the officer who rushed to restrain her but he didn't stand a chance, being sent tumbling down the rubble pile to be still at the bottom. "Anya! Run!" The other police officers rushed to grab Yor but she kicked straight up, sending her heel into his chin and sending his body into the air and down to join his friend.

Anya realized what was happening and cried, "but Papa! We can't leave him!"

Yor nodded. "We won't." Then she used all her strength to heave one of the larger rocks off her husband.

"Hurry, mama!" Anya looked back down to see, to her horror, that there were many more police officers gathering at the edges of the crowd, shoving their way through. Just then, Yor finished unburying Loid and dragged his body out, slinging him over her shoulder.

"Let's go, Anya." she whispered sternly and together they ran the other way, Anya on the dog and Yor keeping up on her own two feet, nonetheless with a body slung ove her shoulder. 

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