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"Anya! What are you doing!?"

I look up, terrified to see papa standing over me, glaring.

"I" I scramble through my papers, trying to find the one I was supposed to be working on, but before I can I feel a warmth on my head.

"It's okay. Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled. Remember, it's Saturday, so you have tomorrow to work on it."

"Really?" I beam at him. "Then can we watch the spy show?"

Out of all the shows to watch, why do you love that one so much? It's unnerving. "Sure. I'll watch it with you tonight."

"R-Really!?" I beam even brighter. "And the doggie can watch too!"

"That's right." Mama calls as she enters from her room, hair in a mess from sleep. It's still early in the morning, and mama likes to get up late. We like it because then papa can make breakfast.

Behind mama walks the dog, borfing happily. And then, all three of us settle down in front of the TV to turn on Bondman. As he appears on the screen I point out his cool gloves again to papa and he smiles warmly.

"Those are kind of like the dog's paws," he comments.

"You're right!" Mama smiles. "Don't you think that would be a good name for him?"


Anya opened her eyes, feeling wet tears trickle into her ears. She wiped them away, sitting up in bed and staring into the darkness.

"Bond. That's what I'll call the Mister doggie." She smiled lightly. "Thanks, papa."

For the first time she felt herself settled into that image of her father, smiling down at her, saying, "let's go home, then." He was such a good person, she only wanted to be like him. And she would. Right then and there, Anya vowed to be a spy just like her father had been, to help world peace. After all, it was her fault world peace was messed up anyways.

A spy, she could imagine. It was a goal she could reach. And mama could train her too! But papa couldn't.

"P-Papa..." slowly this time, her tears started to run down her face. But this time they didn't burn. They were soft and warm as they hugged her cheeks, meeting together at her chin and slowly dripping onto her shaking hands. "Papa...papa!" she sobbed, doubling over as sobs overtook her body. "Papa! Papa! Pa-Papa! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Anya is so sorry! It's my fault! It's my fault! It's my fault you d-died! It's all my fault!"

Violent sobs shook her as she imagined that moment over and over, everything she could've done to prevent it, every way she did it all wrong. If only she'd told him she could see the future! What was the point of hiding out if it meant someone she loved would die? Nothing! And now he was gone. And he could never come back.




"N-Never...papa...Anya has telepathy. That's why she likes spy shows. That's why she knew to hide from enemies. That's how she knew you and mama were fighting. P-Papa, come yell at me again! Come pick me up! Come tell me to do homework even though I don't want to! Come play stupid little games with my stuffed animals just to make me happy. Come help me get all six Stella's to become a stupid scholar so we can get into some stupid school and save stupid world peace. Please! Just come back!"

"Oh...sweetheart..." the door creaked open and Yor gently walked in, tears running down her face. "Was all that true?"

Anya nodded, almost not caring, just so glad to see her mother again. "M-Mama! I'm sorry! I should never have lied to—"

Yor suddenly ran forward and wrapped her arms tightly around Anya's like body, her own sobs shaking the both of them.

"Oh! Oh Anya! I love you so much! I'm sorry it felt like you couldn't tell me! But I still love you for who you are, every aspect of you. You're beautiful and amazing and perfect ju-just the way you are! And I love you so much for that!"

"Mama!" Anya screamed, hiding her face in the nook of her mother's neck. "I love you too! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"D-Don't be, sweetheart. I completely underst-stand. Please, just..."

Just let him go.

Anya nodded into her mother's shoulder. "I will. I can. Just...not yet."

"I know. I know, sweetie."

"Thank you."

Another mind filled Anya's consciousness and she looked up, wiping her blurry eyes to see the Handler walk until the room, frowning gently.

"We've erased any details about what you did, Yor. We're moving the two of you into witness protection for a little bit until things settle down, but after that I can assure that you'll have the full support of WISE behind you."

"Thank you so much." Yor let go and wiped her eyes, smiling sadly.

"And you will be able to keep the dog—"


The Handler blinked. "What?"

"Bond. His name is Bond."

"Sweetheart, the dog?" Yor asked, a little lost to the situation.

"I Bondman...and papa..."

"Oh, honey..." Yor hugged her tightly again.

"I like it. That's a good name," The handler smiled, and her thoughts matched it. "You can keep Bond. But the longer you're here, the more danger we're in. Let's go."

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