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"Mister dog!" Anya cried, tugging desperately at the dog's fur. "Please! Go that way!"

With the wind rushing by her face and the pounding in her heart, Anya barely had the strength to hold on.

I have to control him somehow! I left mama all alone with the bad guys!

Anya racked her brain for how exactly to get to the spy people, and finally decided she wasn't being strict enough. She remembered an episode of Bondman where he'd had to train a dog and had yelled at it until it settled down.

"Mister dog! STOP!"

The dog kept running.

"Doggie! Please!"

He continued to run.

Bondman's face appeared in her mind and spoke words of wisdom directly to her. You must speek directly to the dog, making sure the both of you can understand each other. That is the only way to really train one of these puppies.

That's right! The only way to do this is to speak directly to the dog using my telepathic powers! Wait, no, I don't know how to do that!

"Ahhhhhhh!" she cried as they dashed across the street, barely missing a swerving car.

I have to do it, even if I can't. Or else mama'll get arrested! Mister dog! Stop! The dog looked up towards her but kept moving quickly. Mister dog! Please! Or else mama...

Or else mama might die!

The dog skidded to a stop so quickly Anya almost flew off. It sat there, on the sidewalk for a few seconds before borfing quietly.
Suddenly, Anya felt herself being sucked into its mind, seeing a vision of a tall lady with a big hat smiling down at her. When she emerged from the vision she blinked for a second, then nodded. They were going to make it.

Okay, Mister dog. We're going to run to the spies and they'll know what to do about mama! That's my plan!

"Borf!" The dog agreed.

"Right. I can't keep calling you Mister dog. You need a name! That's what papa would—"

Her father's kind face filled her mind and she suddenly staggered to the side before vomiting roughly onto the sidewalk. As she took deep breaths to try and calm down, the dog padded up to her, gently licking her face. Again, hot tears started trickling down her face but this time she furiously wiped them away. She couldn't cry. Not now, when her mama needed her!

"C-Come on, doggie..." she whimpered, climbing shakily onto its back. "W-We have to find the spies."

They ran, the dog finally listening to Anya as she directed it through the streets and around passerbys, who jumped out of the way, confused as to why a giant dog and a tiny girl were racing past them.

After ten minutes the dog was panting and slowing down but they were still no closer to the spies.

What if I can't find them? Anya racked her brain for anything, but she came up short. Is mama gonna get arrested while I run through the city on a giant dog? Is no one gonna know about papa and how he—he... She shook her head vehemently. No! No, that can't be! I won't...but what if spies moved? And you're not supposed to find spies anyways!

As they slowed to a stop Anya started hyperventilating looking around in panic. I'm gonna fail! The future was wrong! And mama is gonna get arrested and the spies are never gonna make world peace—

"Hey! Anya!"

Anya whipped towards the voice, feeling like she was about to burst from relief when she saw it was Franky. The man approached her carefully, frowning. It looked like he'd just been heading to a fancy event, as he wore a suit and tie and his hair was greased back. He looked awful, but Anya didn't care. She was just so happy to see him.

"What's going on? What's wrong?"

"S-Scruffy head!" she whimpered, jumping off the dog and wrapping her arms around his legs as tightly as she could, like he was going to try and run away.

"Anya?" Franky glanced around nervously. "Where's your father? How'd you get all the way out here?"

"Papa...papa is—he—" Anya couldn't finish as more tears came out along with hiccuping sobs.

"What? What happened to your father?" Franky became serious. He kneeled down and put a hand on her shoulder, staring deep into her green eyes. "Where is Loid? What happened?"

Suddenly remembering her mission, Anya yelped, "I need to get to the spies! They have to help mama!"

Franky's twitch was almost unnoticeable. "The what? What are you talking about, Anya?"

"The spies!" Deciding to use her excuse from earlier, she continued, "Papa told me about them! He said he was one of them and that they'd help us if we needed it!"

"A-Anya, I don't know what you're—"

"And he also said you're working with them! That's what he said!"

"Lower your voice!" Franky hissed, jumping back up and looking around again. "I don't know why for heaven's sake Loid would tell you all that, but you know it somehow so I guess I'll believe you. Follow me." He pointed over his shoulder at once if the public parking areas Anya had run past on her way. "I'll take you to the spies."

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