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Anya turned, her long pink hair flipping around her.


"Anya!" The boy looked both ways before rushing across the street and stopping in front of her. He wore a plaid blue shirt and gray pants, almost matching Anya's outfit of a blue shirt and gray skirt with matching tights.

"It is you!" The boy caught his breath, then pointed at her. He had green hair, which was a little strange, but not like someone with pink hair could talk. She was slightly taller than him, as she'd grown to be lanky and strong.

"Do...I know you?" she asked innocently. She already knew from his thoughts who this boy was, but she wanted to feign ignorance a little while longer. It was fun; toying with people.

"Of course!" He pointed to himself confidently. "Damian Desmond."

She snapped and pointed to him like she'd just figured something out. "Second son!"

"Yeah, sure." he blushed. She's so pretty now! What happened to the stubby little girl I knew?

Anya smirked. How pathetic. But then he'd always been like this, hadn't he? Why had she been so intent on impressing him?

World Peace.

An image of her father's smiling face filled her mind and she shook her head.

"Sorry, I have to go."

"What? Wait!" He reached out towards her as if he wanted to drag her back. What happened to her!? "Tell me what happened! Why did you disappear like that?"

"Oh?" She scoffed. "That was ten years ago. Why do you even care anymore?"

"—" Because I liked you so much back then!

"Right." She turned and walked off calmly in the other direction. "Sorry, but I'm not interested in rekindling old relationships." Which is a nice way of saying I have no more use for you. "Goodbye."

"Wait! Anya!"

But she kept walking and after a bit, when he didn't follow her, she wanted to look back. But she didn't. Because her father wouldn't have.

She arrived at their house and opened the door quietly, closing it behind her. Now was around the time her mother took her mid morning  nap, so she had to make sure not to wake her. Luckily, due to her training, she had learned how to be very quiet.


Bond, on the other hand, had not. She quickly ran up to the old dog, shushing him quickly and glancing around.

"Anys, you home?" came a call from upstairs and Anya smiled.

"Yes, I'm home, mom!"

Yor came down the stairs two at a time, rushing over to hug her daughter tightly. All the years of getting her mother's tight hugs had made Anya's bones much stronger and much less, well, breakable, so she could withstand this one just fine.

"I came up with new training today!" Yor explained excitedly. Then she envisioned it in her head and Anya watched carefully, then nodded.

"That looks hard, but also fun."

"Exactly!" Yor grinned at her. "Want to start?"

"In a sec. I gotta say hi."

"Oh. Of course."

She set down her school bag at the kitchen table and walked into the special, small room they had made just for this. She kneeled on the soft mat and looked up at the same beautiful smile she'd looked at for the past ten years.

Anya smiled. He would be proud. With the work she'd done with WISE using her telepathic abilities and the training from her mother, world peace has officially been restored. At least, for now.

He's somewhere out there, watching over me. I just know it. It's almost like I can hear his thoughts sometimes.

"Hi, papa. I'm back."


Welcome home, Anya.

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