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"We have to bury him?" Anya whispered, already hearing the answer in her mother's mind. "No! We can't!"

"It's the only thing we can do with him."


Yor looked up in surprise at the suddenly stern Anya.

"There's somewhere else we have to take papa."

"What are you talking about, Sweetheart? Where?"

"To the spies."


"I'm not joking!" Anya vigorously shook her head. "Papa was a spy. He was working for world peace. And now that he's gone, world peace is all over! And it's my fault! It's because my message written in blood didn't work!" She broke down into tears again and whimpered, "I-I'm s-so sowwry..."

"Anya, what on earth are you talking about?" Yor whispered, trying to wipe away the tears but only staining her daughter's face with more blood.

"Anya has to tell you something..."

Just then, there was a loud, rough knock at the door. Everyone jumped, turning to stare at the wooden barrier as it shook again.

"Open the door! We know you're in there!"



"Anya...we have to run."

"There's a secret way." Yor grabbed the body and slung it over her shoulder again, ignoring the blood it dripped thickly onto the floor. Anya took her mother's hand and the dog's collar and led them to the back of the house while the officers continued to bang on the door. She opened her father's door and gestured to the bed.

"Under there. Can you move it, Mama?"

In one kick, without asking any questions, Yor sent the bed skidding against the wall, revealing a trapdoor underneath.


"Mama..." Anya looked towards her searchingly. The question was clear in her eyes: why won't you believe me?

It's certainly a plausible explanation. But Loid, a spy? That would mean we're enemies...no, we were enemies. She felt her heart sink again. It felt as though she could accept anything right now, as nothing could shock her more than seeing Anya standing, crying, in front of that body.


The door didn't sound like it broke, but it was certainly faltering against the police's attacks.

"We have to go."

Anya nodded and they opened the trapdoor, revealing a flight of stairs leading down into the darkness below their house. Anya silently took the dog's collar and they stumbled down the stairs. When they were part way in, Yor closed the hatch above them, sealing in the darkness. As they walked in silence there were more bangs from above and finally the sound of splintering wood as the door gave in.

"Anya, we have to hurry," Yor whispered into the darkness, hoping her daughter could hear her. "Do you know where...where the spies are? Did your papa tell you about that?"

Anya was silent. How can I tell her in this situation? I alrdy tried and it didn't work. I can't, she finally decided. "Yes. I know where the spies are...Papa told me."

"Okay. Then you lead the way." Please be right. Please.

Finally they reached the end of the stairway at the outline of light making a door. Yor pushed it open with one hand, using the other to make sure Loid didn't slide off her back. And there they were, on the street, the sun shining down upon them as if nothing had happened and everything was fine and happy.

"We need a car!" Anya suddenly realized in shock. "How do we—"

"It's okay! I can get it out."

Yor ran to the front of the garage and raised a heeled boot. When she brought it down with her full strength the garage door didn't stand a chance, the white wood shattering into a million tiny pieces. They ran in and Yor motioned for Anya to get into the front seat while she loaded Loid into the back seats. As she started to get into the driver's side, the door to the house burst out and three police officers with guns ready filed into the room.

"Anya! Get down!" Yor screamed, getting ready to attack.

"Stop this! We don't want to hurt the child!" one of the officers yelled, pointing his gun towards Yor's head.

I can't dodge shots from all three of them!

Anya stared at her mother in horror. Was she going to lose her too? No! No, that couldn't happen!


"I know, Anya, but I'm going to—"

"No! Surrender!"

The little girl didn't know if her plan could even work, but it was the only one she could think of. And no matter what, she couldn't lose her mother, right after losing her father. That would just be too cruel.

"What? Anya—"

"Trust me, mama. Please!"

Yor stared at her for a moment, then nodded slowly and relaxed, putting her hands up in surrender.

"Anya. Get out of the car," Yor instructed as calmly as she could, but Anya knew she was seething on the inside. Why? I could've taken them! I can't protect Anya if they take her from me! And just after I'd promised to not let her go back to the orphanage!

"Listen to your mother," the second officer instructed, trying to smile kindly but failing.

"Shithead," Anya hissed under her breath, opening the door and sliding out of the car. The dog walked up to her, groaning worriedly, and her heart leapt. With this, her plan could work!

"Mama, I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Yor blinked at her in worry. "What are you—"

In one movement Anya leapt onto the dog's back and kicked him gently in the side, making him start running down the street. "I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!"

"Anya!" Yor cried.

"Hey! Get back here!"

Anya looked back over her shoulder to see one of the policemen run out and sun his gun, making her heart leap into her throat, until he lowered it again, sighing.

I can't shoot a kid.

And then they rounded the corner and he vanished out of sight.

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