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They ran through the streets, gaining many strange looks from passerbys. By the time they reached their house both Yor and the dog were panting and sweaty. The mother pushed the door open and all four of them collapsed onto the floor.

Quickly, a pool of blood started to pool in the carpet, staining the white wool dark pink.

"W-We needs to patch the wound!" Anya cried, scrambling up as she remembered a line from Bondman.


"Where's the gauze!? And a rope? No, we don't need a rope!"


"Papa's gonna die if I screw this up!"

He's already gone.

Anya whipped back towards her mother in disbelief. "Mama..."

"Anya...we can't do any–"

"No! He's not gone! I– I..." Anya started crying again, hot, burning tears rushing down her cheeks and onto the bloody floor. "I...can't hear him...anymore..."

"I know..." Yor nodded blankly, for although she wasn't quite sure what the girl was talking about she understood it in a way.

"What are we going to do, mama? We've upset the ocifers. And we can't leave here!"

Will I have to leave Anya?

Anya's eyes widened and she took a stumbling step back, suddenly slipping on the bloody floor and falling on her back. She pushed herself up on trembling arms, whispering, "is Anya going back to the orphan-place? Mama? Are you going to give me back?"

"No!" Yor scrambled forward, abandoning Loid's body to wrap her bloody arms around her daughter. "No, Anya. I would never give you back. After all, we only have each other now."

"B-But...Anya hasn't been h-honest w-w...with–" the small girl broke down into tears, unable to finish.

"Sweetie, it's okay..." Yor whispered softly into her pink hair. "It's okay. It's okay. I know."

"Y-You don't!" Anya pushed her away, taking a deep breath. "I—I knew papa was going to—"

"Anya, we don't have time for this."

I want to know more, but we have to get out of this place first.

"No! I have to tell you! I knew—"

"Anya!" Yor snapped, not looking at the child and instead turning to the body again. "The police will probably be after us. Since he's your father, I want you to be a part of the decision of what to do with him. But we have to make it now. Or else there won't be any time left. Then we have to leave."

"L-Leave? Here?"

"That's right. We can't stay here once they know who we are." How could I be so stupid to attack a police officer? I'm responsible for Anya too, and I've put her in danger. I'm such a failure as a mother! No, Yor. Don't get distracted!

"Mama..." Anya whispered, "p-papa was—"
"A wonderful man. But he's g-gone. And we can't get him back."

The mother and daughter looked towards the body as if waiting for him to wake up. But it didn't move. All it did was keep leaking blood into the floor.

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