Chapter Three | Obsidian

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A/N - Well, this is the third chapter. I didn't think I'd update again so soon. Enjoy. 




As soon as the person said those words, Y/N whipped her head around. "D-Did you just say..." 

The man was already storming away angrily. 




Shu Kurenai walked into the jewelry shop, glad to have gotten away from all his fangirls. He swore if he heard 'ruby' one more time... 

"Ruby or Sapphire, what do you think?" 

Shu clenched his fist in anger. "Stupid fangirls!" he exclaimed, storming out of the store. Would he ever get a break? 

He was slightly aware of the girl staring at him with a dazed expression as he made his way back home, pulling a hoodie over his head as he went. 




"Wow, Shu, I hardly recognized you!" 

The energetic Valt raced up to his albino friend, grinning. "That's such an epic hoodie! None of those stupid fangirls will realize who you are when you wear it!" 

Shu chuckled, ruffling his spiky blue hair. "Yeah, I haven't seen a single fangirl since I put it on." 

Valt smirked, his grin growing wide. "Wanna battle?"

He pulled out Valtriek as Shu sighed. "Yeah, sure."




Y/N sighed. Did she just mishear what that boy had said? Stupid fangirls... That was the first thing her soulmate would ever say to her. And she was thinking about soulmates at the time. Maybe her thoughts had just made her confuse fantasy with reality. 

She decided on the sapphire bracelet, heading towards the counter to pay for it. She glanced at her watch, yawning. 

Only noon? she thought to herself. Man, jet lag is worse than I thought. I need a nap. 

As tired as she was, Y/N didn't want to mess up her sleep schedule, so she decided against it. She'd just have to push through the tiredness until tonight. 

Y/N walked over to a nearby café, yawning, and sat down, ordering a cup of coffee. She could use the caffene. 

When it came she yawned again, taking a sip. She longed to just head back home and lay down, to just drift off into a world of sleep... 




"Hmph?! I'm awake!" Y/N exclaimed, jolting upright when she felt somebody shake her shoulder. 

"Miss, you've been here for over four hours. Are you alright?" 

A man was standing beside the café table. He was wearing a long apron and had shaggy black hair. It looked as if he worked at the café. 

Y/N quickly nodded, feeling her face turn slightly red out of embarrassment. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, just tired, sorry." 

He narrowed his eyes. "I see. Why are you so tired, though?" 

"Ah, I just moved here. The jet lag is catching up with me, I guess," she said, scratching the back of her head and chuckling. "Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll leave now." 

Y/N stood up and walked away, glancing back once at the man. He was smiling and waving at her as she left. 

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