Tungsten|Steven Universe

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Universe:Steven Universe


Material: Pure Tungsten

Dimond Court:White Dimond

Weight:405.29lbs (183.84kg)

Height:7'4ft (223.52cm)


Skin Color:Grey

Hair Color:Dark Grey

Eye Color:Tungsten Grey

Gem shape:Originally a square shaped it appeared to have been cut into a Pentagon shape

Gem Location:The mass of Tungsten that makes up his "Gem" is situated on his left mid forearm.

General Appearance: compared to other home world gems Tungsten and his counterparts have a peculiar style of dress favoring more classical style of dress compared to the usual one peice suit used by say the jaspers for example. In particular Tungsten dresses in a manner similar to federal agents of 1960s America. Being a metallic element rather then a gem, Tungsten and their fellow elements are limited in appearances generally following the same color scheme with the only different generally being in sex and minor deviations in phenotype.

Fusions:it isn't common to find a natural pure Tungsten as most are semi permanent fused with Iron-Manganese to form Wolframite or Calcium to form Scheelite. Being an element instead of a gem Tungsten like others can only fuse with other elements

Roles:the elements are a newer player in the cast, existing only about 4,000 years before the Gem Rebellion. Typically found in the high echelons they are the unseen hands of home world and the Dimond courts. For Tungsten he is the the eyes ears and hand of the white Dimond, keeping tabs on the other Dimonds in particular and the wider gem population as a whole. To simplify the Tungsten place in gem society they are a mix of the Cold War CIA and its SOG teams, the FBI under Director J. Edgar Hoover,and the OSS as a whole.

Weapon: Tungsten always found it weird how gems who are revitively fragile would choose melee fighting over practical range. His weapon of choice was previously riot stick before he changed it out for the gem equivalent of the Colt Model 607

 His weapon of choice was previously riot stick before he changed it out for the gem equivalent of the Colt Model 607

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Given the role Tungsten has,he cares little for unreasonable methods to handle opposition. If fighting is more effective and practical he'll fight, if it isn't he's more then willing to sit and talk if the opp is also willing to.

Tungsten is a resilient operator boasting the highest melting point and being made of one of the densest materials he can take hits as well as deliver them. On the down side he has been described as hard to work with. And his temper can be "brittle" at times

Elements unlike gems can't simply retreat into their gems if they sustain enough damage or trama. When a elements takes enough damage to "poof" them. Their conscious is preserved but introduction of new material is required to rebuild their body. So if a pearl is poofed they can wait a while as they rebuild their body were is an iron was poofed their "gem" would have to be introduced to melted iron before they can start the process of rebuilds as something can't come from nothing

 So if a pearl is poofed they can wait a while as they rebuild their body were is an iron was poofed their "gem" would have to be introduced to melted iron before they can start the process of rebuilds as something can't come from nothing_________...

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