Chapter 1: Waking Up and Other Mistakes

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I was running away from my capturers in the deep forest, my mouth agape with horror and shock. I was fast, but they were faster, and I could hear their footsteps treading behind me. They were getting closer... and closer... and-


I sighed and hit snooze on my alarm clock defiantly. It was just a dream... of course it was. But- oh crap, I'm late for my first day of school!

I hurriedly got out of bed, put on a black turtleneck with a thick, wooly neck, a red and black knee length plaid skirt that showed off my dorky body, black sneakers with thick laces on them, and my trademark thick black glasses over my large luminescent amber orbs, before putting my plain brunette hair into an effortless yet stylish messy bun. I looked at myself in the mirror, a nerdy and dorky appearance. I couldn't believe this was me.

My dad had gotten a new job over the summer, causing us to move from our home in the big city to a suburban town called Bichslap. At my last school, I was the dorky, nerdy girl - the one the popular kids made fun of 24/7, the jocks beat up mercilessly right in front of the teachers, and everyone else hated - for no reason elaborated upon whatsoever. I wondered how this year would be different. But for now, I - Amberly Golden Athena Calliope Hudson - was the new girl.

I rushed downstairs and grabbed a frozen waffle to eat on the school bus, which was pulling up to my door.

My mom grinned at me. "Have a great first day!"

I groaned and ran out the door after slinging my backpack on my shoulder. "Ugh! Stop! You're embarrassing me!"

When I was finally within a small distance of the school bus, it shot off.

I groaned in determination. "Ugh! Stupid bus!" I ignored the lack of logic in this situation, and somehow, despite my short and frail figure, was able to keep up with the bus and run all the way to the school in time.

When the bus unloaded, I saw all different types of kids, but after running to school, I was exhausted. My thoughts started to blur, and everything went black.

Falling for My Rebellious Bad Boy (satire)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ