Yummy, Fake Nails!

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I stood in the lunch line, waiting for my food. My second and third classes had been uneventful, but I wondered if lunch would be different.

Finally, I reached the front of the lunch line. The lunch lady - 500 pounds at least - grunted and tossed some garbage on the lunch tray. No, it was literal garbage. It was a crumpled up answer key, a chewed pencil, and a set of fake nails. All of a sudden, the person behind me kicked me. It was Brittney!

Brittney scowled. "You stupid bitch! Those are MY fake nails! Not yours!" She started clawing at me with a set of her fake nails, which made me wonder why she even wanted these in the first place.

All of a sudden, somebody - no, two people and a unicorn! - approached us.

Cookie Princess shoved Brittney out of my way while twerking on Calvin, who was riding Senpai next to her. "Out of her way, you good for nothing skank! Lmao get PWNEDDD"

Calvin got a bottle of nail polish and chucked it at Brittney. "Yasss! Honey, go off!"

Brittney growled. "Whatever, you dumb bitches! Ugh, you're all so over! Calvin, you're a walking stereotype! Cookie Princess, so are you - and by the way, seeing you hitting on Calvin is cringy! And Amberly - ugh! You're the worst! You're all the worst!" She stormed away, and Cookie Princess and I walked to a lunch table with Chloe at it (Calvin rode Senpai there).

Chloe snapped a selfie and posted it on Instagram before she noticed us. "OMG!!! Hiii guys! Spill the tea!"

Calvin finally got off of Senpai and plopped himself in a chair. "Yasss queen! So this mean girl, like, totally attacked Amberly! And Cookie Princess and I saved her ass!"

Cookie Princess unironically dabbed. "Yuhhhh but Amberly was like SOO awesome and ICONIC BWLSJDUSI"

I blushed and looked down at my lap, my amber orbs filling with an expression of utmost modesty. "G-g-g-g-guys, it's n-n-nothing!"

Calvin finished eating and mounted Senpai in the cafeteria. "Uh, you are sooo lying, sister! That Brittney bitch is sooo crazy!" Cookie Princess looked at him, rainbow blush on her cheeks, and got out of her chair to floss next to him.

Chloe gasped. "OMG! Amberly, you are such a hero! Especially considered you're paired up with Ryder for this project!"

I titled my head adorably. "O-oh! T-t-t-thank you, but what's w-w-w-wrong with Ryder?"

Chloe gasped. "He killed a whole mafia at the age of five! Of ants!"

Calvin glared. "He spiked the punch at our seventh grade dance with barf!"

Cookie Princess started bawling. "He told me that if I twerk any more, my ass is gonna explode!"

Calvin comforted a sobbing Cookie Princess while Chloe stared at me, deadpan. "And that's what's wrong with being paired up with Ryder!"

All of a sudden, the bell rang, and I headed to my next class. The day passed by, and when it was over, I had detention to look forward to.

Falling for My Rebellious Bad Boy (satire)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora