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I thought my summer holidays were going to be so good but Graham comes and make it worse

He is sitting beside me and I am already annoyed by his presence but I hide it professionally with a fake cheerful smile. I don't hate him but I always am annoyed by him which makes me more annoyed

"Selene, I wanted to invite you on a trip with our whole group. We are thinking of going somewhere fun" Graham said happily

My instant answer is no. But I control my mouth to blurt out those two words

"But Graham I just came back from my holiday and to be honest, I am very tired after the trip" I explain to him politely

I deserve a Grammy

His face fell a little and he instantly said, "We are not going right now. We are thinking about a week or after because we need time to plan until then"

Before I could give him my extraordinary performance my mom butted in and said in a cheerful voice, "That's great Graham! You know I have no problem sending her anywhere if you are with her"

Kill. Me. Now

I send her my deadly glare but she is not fazed by it at all

Graham face lit up after my mom stop speaking, "Thank you Ms. Solace. I will certainly take care of her"

She smiles at him and they both started talking about the trip among themselves

I am in rage but thinking about the book calms me a lot

Graham stands up and so does my mom and I

"I will take my leave Grace, I will call you when our plan is finalized"

Since when did he and my mom are on first name biased? And when did my mom give him her phone number?

"I will see you soon, Selene" he said to me and I nod in return

When he was leaving, I, out of my habit said to him, "Be careful on your way"

Graham and mom looks at me

I wish someone could swallow me right now but I keep my composure

He smiles and nods then walk towards his death trap, uh, I mean his dangerous motorcycle

Hopefully, he didn't get into an accident with this

His gaze lingered on me then he speed up and finally gone in our eyesight

"This kid likes you" mom says bluntly

I look at her wierdly

She sighs, "Oh please, I have more experience than you, I knew when someone likes someone. He is a good kid by the way, completely opposite of what he looks"

That's true he looks like he is a bod boy but he is not. At least that's what I observe

I sigh and tell her, "Whatever you say. By the way, I am in my room"

And I happily skip to my room with the book in my hand

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