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I stare at the creature in front of me as he states back at me. Now fully clothed. Thanks to my taste of loose fitting clothes. He looks good in it though that's unfair

When I think of it, it sounds romantic. Eww.

I ask him, "What are you?"

He looks at me boringly and replied, "I am what you made me"

I look at him confused

"Dude, just tell me straight what are you doing here in my room?"

He sigh, "Didn't you recognise me?"

Of course, I recognise him! He is Graham but what is he doing in my room when he just left some times ago?

"Graham can we stop playing please? Just tell me what are you doing here?" I ask him defeteadly

"Who is Graham?" he ask instead

Is he all right?

"You. You are Graham, Graham" sheesh it's the most unattractive line I have ever said

"You are naming me Graham?" he mumbled, "Don't you have more cool names for me? Like Chester? Or better yet Archer? You know as in a bowman? What do you say?"

I blink at him as he looks at me hopefully

"If you are joking then it's a bad joke" I deadpan

"Come on!" he sighs, "Are you that dumb?"

I gasped. Did he just call me dumb? How dare he!!! That little mother-

"You literally made me by writing the description on the book" he said

Did the book even work or it just magically made the characters itself?

"Guess you write the description of some dude name Graham that's why you look so confused" he said while staring at me

More like my soul

He lays on MY bed comfortably and folds his arms behind his head then closes his eyes

Ok that was hot

But why is he sleeping on MY bed?

"If you don't believe me then video call your Graham. I think that should be enough for you to understand that we are different" he said sleepily

I picked up my phone and just as I was about to video call him, I stopped

What will he think? How is he gonna reach? He might be busy, I guess? What if he was with his family? Wait, why was I video calling him in the first place?

"Jeez, don't overthink and just call him" Graham said irritatingly while looking at me

I take a deep breath and press the call button

Oh God I called him! I am dead! Aaaaa what I was going to tell him? Why did I call him?

"Selene? Hi" Graham said to me from my phone

Wait. How is that possible? Two Grahams?

"Hey!" I cheered, why did I cheer? Oh God I am such embarrassment

He looks at me weirdly but keep a smile on his face, "So, what's up?"

My anxiety levels

What did you even reply to what's up?

"Uh, well, mom's calling. I will call you later, yeah?" I said and cut the call hurriedly before he can say something

What an embarrassing situation!

I look at the other Graham and laid beside him

"Told you" he said

I sighed and lay beside fake Graham

"You did" I replied as I recall my conversation with Graham

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