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I am sure that Grans is high while writing it

I mean how can you breathe just by staring at someone's eyes? Is oxygen here for decoration?

I guess sense of humour just left the chat

I roll my eyes but none the less turn the page

I feel alive when I took his appearance in front of me. I can't believe that I made this beautiful creature

Now, what is this suppose to mean?

Did she have a child out there?

I hurriedly turn the page before the imagination gets the best of me

I hope people will love him and made him believe that he is not just a character but a human with feelings

Character? Human? Feelings?

I am genuinely confused

I turn the other page

My child, write your lover's description on the next page and see the magic unfold

Lover's description?

I only love non existing people Grans

None the less, it peaks my interest and I jump over to my study table to get a pen

Let's see what magic she is talking about

I started writing whatever she told me in the nest page which is surprisingly empty

Hazel-coloured oval shaped eyes, shorter eye lashes than me, semi full lips, long nose, rectangular face shape with short jaw line, slightly pale skin, a piercing on both of his ears, not too tall for me but not too short either

Am I being too much?

Well, as long as there's no harm to anyone it's alright, right?

I am about to turn the page but a bright light coming from the book nearly blind my vision

I squint my eyes to see clearly when the light dims around the room

There stood a man. In my room. In his full naked glory

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

I squeal and quickly cover my eyes, "What the fuck? Man, why are you naked? And the big question is why are you in my fucking room?"

I think I might have slightly take a peak at his chest and abs

I didn't get answer for a while but I didn't dare to uncover my eyes

Then, after a while, I heard him, "Do you have any clothes?"

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