Chapter 5 - First Meeting

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Thanks everyone for your comments and votes it means alot to me :) I hope you all enjoy this chapter xxx

I woke up early with yet another bright light shining in my face. This is really starting to annoy me I must say! I look at the nurse who seems to get a thrill waking people up from their dreams as she had a smug look on her face.

"Seriously?" I say giving her the "please do not bug me" look.

"Afraid so" she replies.

I give a large puff to show my anger and she walks away closing the door behind her still with that strange, evil looking smile on her face.

I get up to go to the bathroom, toothbrush and toothpaste in hand. It is situated along a few doors of the long corridor. It has three cubicle toilets and two showers, separated with a shower curtain for privacy; which I don't think is very private at all - the curtain is see through so I think I will try to avoid going when someone else is there!

The bathroom is crowded with three other girls who are, brushing their hair, wrapping themselves in towels to go to the shower and brushing their teeth. I do not recognise the girls and think to myself, "I wonder why they are here?"

After I finished in the bathroom I was heading back to my room to get changed into something decent looking which consisted of a boring, plain black t shirt and jeans. "Better than pyjamas" I think to myself. I walk past a room which I sneakly look into -  I see a girl who I notice has the same hair color and style as my own. She turns round and looks at me. I stare back at her in dismay, I think to myself "I recognise that face"

"Hello?" she says with a puzzled look on her face.

This girl looks a lot like me. I stare at her for a few seconds before a passing nurse rushes me away.

"Come on, you need to get ready, it is almost breakfast time. You don't want to miss the tasty bacon now do you?" she says to me.

"Ehm ok. Who is the girl in that room?" I ask curiously.

"Never you mind young lady. Come on into your room and get ready please" she explains with a worried smile on her face. She pushes me gently into the room and walks away.

I wonder to myself while getting changed, why do I recognise that girl, and why does she look so similar to me? I throw my clothes on and leave the room swiftly. I walk down to the cafeteria alone, now that I know my bearings. Thoughts still rushing through my head a tap on my shoulder makes me jump.

"Hi Leah". A similar voice speaks from behind me.

"Oh hi Lizzie, you gave me a fright there" I replied, a bit startled.

"How was your first proper nights sleep then?" She asked curiously.

"Yeah alright apart from all the wake up calls you get with these nurses during the night" I say, still a bit frustrated with the early morning rise. I was not used to them. I enjoyed waking up late morning even on a school day. I never bothered about classes as I knew I was never smart or going to be top of the class. So I basically gave up in my first year of high school.

"Oh yeah the checks, it is annoying at first but you get used to them eventually". Lizzie explains.

We walk to the end of the queue and wait in line for our turn to be served at the counter. I saw the rows of bacon, sausages and other breakfast foods. There was also a table which consisted of different ranges of cereal. I ignored that table as I was looking forward to a nice hot breakfast to fill me up.

I chose bacon and beans  from the counter and followed Lizzie to the table where Heather was sitting already a plate piled high of almost everything they had. I do not understand how Heather could be so skinny when I guessed that is what she ate every morning.

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