Chapter 8 - Doctor's Visit

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I wake up. I am very glad I got the chance to have a sleep. I really needed it. I was interrupted however by the usual talking going on in my head. I tried to forget them, but it is really difficult when they are inside your brain, never shutting up. After a while of listening to the argument of who hates me the most, I was finally able to drift back to sleep.

I look around for my phone so that I can see the time but then I realise the evil nurses took that luxury away from me when I arrived. I walk out into the hallway, not caring that I am still dressed in my pyjamas. I look around and spot a clock on the wall, down at the end of the corridor. It says half past 1. I should have been able to guess the time after all since the foul smell of canteen food hits my nostrils. My stomach rumbles but there is no way I can face that food again.

A nurse walks up to me, staring at my outfit. "What are you doing dressed like that at this time lazy bones, go and get dressed into something more decent, it's lunch time." she states.

"Do I need to go for lunch?" I ask at which time my stomach decides to do the loudest rumble it can muster. I grab a hold of it to try and silence it which does not help.

"Well your stomach obviously wants to go." she says giggling trying to make light of the embarrassing situation. I just roll my eyes and walk back into my room, feeling slightly warm to the face after that encounter.

I grab the first clothes I can find and throw them on.  I really don't want to eat anything, I am feeling nervous thinking about what will happen at the meeting with Dr Pine. I don't want any interrogation, all I want is just to go home. I am not crazy. I need to get out of here. I suppose the only way to do it is to meet him and prove that I do not belong here.

I turn to walk out my room when I get a fright. Lizzie is standing right behind me in the doorway, smiling at me.

"Jesus Lizzie you gave me a fright" I say, trying to get my heart to slow back down after the shock.

"Sorry Leah, I was just coming to get you for lunch" she says. I pull a face at her. She laughs, realising my disgust at the word lunch. "Come on, it might be nice" she says positively. I shrug my shoulders and start heading out of the door.

We walk towards the canteen, the strong smell of awful food gets worse as we go. This really doesn't help my appetite. If only there were vending machines and I could live off crisps and chocolate for the rest of my time here but unfortunately that is not an option.

I get to the food to see what "delights" they have on offer. I see soggy pizza slices, soggy chips and even soggy chicken nuggets. I pick up a slice of pizza, 2 chicken nuggets and a small handful of chips. Thankfully I see some ketchup at the end of the row so I can just drown the food in ketchup to take the taste away.

We spot Heather over at the same table we were at this morning.  We join her, she has a giant plate of chicken nuggets and about 5 slices of pizza. "How can you eat this food?" I ask, eyeing up the plate which is almost tipping over with the amount on it.

"It's actually so good" she says, mouth full of nuggets. I smile at Lizzie who is also staring in awe at her stuffing her face full. She is like a gannet. 

I take a small taste of the pizza and realise it is actually alright. It may look really greasy and soggy but it does actually taste of real pizza.

I finish that and my nuggets quite happily without the need of the large dollop of ketchup I had on the side.

"So are you looking forward to your meeting with Dr Pine later?" asks Lizzie. At that Heather pops her head up from the large pile of food, which seems to be going down rather swiftly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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