Chapter 6 - Who is this girl?

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Sorry for the delay in the update.

Dedicated to CuteJkate for your ongoing enthusiasm and support :)

Hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think and give it a vote etc if you like it :)

I stare, wide eyed at this person standing before me. Why does she look like me? Her hair falls the same way over her shoulders, her blue sparkly eyes glimmer in the light of the loud corridor. The world flies on by us, we are frozen in place looking at each other. It is as if I am looking in a mirror.

A passing nurse grabs on to my sleeve and pushes me down the corridor, I struggle to get loose to get the chance to talk to this girl but the nurse has a firm grip and tells me it is time for lunch. The girl stares down the corridor at me, watching my slight struggle but in the end I give up, not taking my eyes off of her until I turn the corner and lose my focus.

"What is wrong," The nurse asks me, a bit shocked about my attempted struggle.

"Who was that girl I was with in the corridor?" I ask her.

"There are lots of girls here pet, you have to be more specific than that", she replies.

Frustrated now, I reply "The one I was face to face with before you shoved me along the corridor".

She glowered at my vocal eruption. "I don't remember seeing anyone with you". She had a confused look to her expression and that made me even more disturbed. There was definitely someone with me, I was sure of it. I knew it.

I arrived in the lunch hall, spotting the same table that I always sit at; Lizzie and Heather were there, awaiting my arrival. Their faces turned to a grin as soon as they spotted me. I felt like I belonged with them, I was glad to have got to know them so well during my couple of days being here.

I picked up a dodgy looking pot of Mac & Cheese and headed over to sit with the girls. I couldn't help having a glance around the room to see if I could spot the mystery girl. I looked at all the tables, but nothing. There were plenty of girls around but not the one I had seen in the corridors.

I got a whiff of the strong scent of cheese, which to me smelt off but the thought of being ill didn't seem to bother me, at least it would give me some excitement with being stuck in this place. Plus throwing my guts up might get me to lose some weight. Yeah I am only 114 pounds and 5'2 but I still feel fat.

I grimace at the Mac & Cheese hitting my taste buds. I plummet through half of it and give up.

"That looks disgusting" Lizzie rightly points out, looking straight at the so called lunch.

"Yeah it is," I reply with a disgusted look on my face. I push it away from me, so the stink will not clog my nostrils anymore.

"So how was the meeting this morning?" Heather asks.

"Not great, he didn't really say much, I think I let off a bit of steam though and he didn't really know how to react so he told me to come back another time." I explain. The girls reply is shown by a confused look to their faces.

I shrugged my shoulders in response, "Oh well, like it will actually help me anyway." I said probably in denial but I didn't actually think it could work , therapy is no use to me, nothing will be any use to me. I just dread to think what is going to happen to me tonight, the voices normally start at night. It is the worst time of day for me.

When we finish lunch we head out into the corridors to walk to the library, I fancied having a wee read. We pass a girl who seemed a bit distressed, a nurse was holding onto her, trying to calm her down. She looks at me and her face turned from worry to anger. I could see her eyes piercing into mine.

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