Chapter 7 - The Next Day

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I wake up after what feels like the longest night ever.  I feel so dazed and confused. It took what felt like an eternity to fall back asleep after that experience with the unknown girl. I kept looking around the room to see if she would reappear after the nurse went but she never did. My whole body was too afraid to move.  I could still feel the cold from her hand on my cheek. In a way I wanted her to come back so I could ask all the questions I wanted to but she also frightened me too much.

I dozed on and off for a while but then heard the nurses banging on the doors to wake everyone up for medication and breakfast. I groaned and pulled myself out of bed, unable to hold in a yawn. I knew I did sleep for a while but it really didn't feel like it. I must have been moving too slowly as the nurse came in and hurried me. I gave a loud moan which must have displeased her as her face turned from strict to sour.  I was almost pushed headfirst out the room and I felt like turning around and shoving her back but thought I may have upset her too much already, plus I wouldn't have been able to find the energy to do so.

I went into the dining hall and looked around for my friends, I couldn't wait to tell them about my weird experience last night. I spotted them at a table in the corner. I waved to let them know I was here so they could save me a seat. I went up to the serving trays and looked at the disgusting food they had on offer. There were sausages which didn't look like they had been cooked at all, eggs where the yolk had already run out and stuck to the egg beside it, bacon which looked greasy and fatty and beans which I can't even describe.  I went for the safe option of cereal but I didn't feel at all hungry.

I went over and sat next to the girls. They looked as sleepy as I was.

"Morning" yawned Lizzie. I just smiled at her.

"Something weird happened to me last night" I started. They were busy picking at their beans, not looking very amused at them. "That girl showed up in my room", I explained. At this point they both looked up at me in shock.

"How?" Asked Heather, "She wouldn't have been able to get past the nurse on duty"she continued.  I shrugged my shoulders to show I was unsure.

"I once tried to sneak into Lizzie's room one night and was barely out of my own door before getting caught", she smiled. "I was thrown back into bed and warned not to move an inch the rest of the night".  Heather laughed at the memory.

"Oh yeah I remember that" said Lizzie giggling.

"Are you guys serious? How do you think she got in then?" I asked, getting slightly worried about a random intruder coming into my room when she wasn't allowed. I didn't want to be the one getting into trouble if she was caught in there.

"No idea." They both muttered at the same time.

We spent the rest of the time in silence, trying to eat as much as possible but to no prevail. I barely managed two mouthfuls before wanting to throw it back up. The other two didn't manage to eat much either. Once a few people had left we decided to go too.

"Let's go have a walk around the place to see if we spot the girl you are talking about" said Lizzie.

"Great idea" I replied. I am glad they are willing to join me on the hunt as I don't fancy seeing this girl alone, especially if no one else seems to see her. I want to prove that I am not making it up and she really is in here with us.

Firstly we went to the place which is apparently the most popular with the patients at this time of the morning, the day room. It has the tv on which is showing Jeremy Kyle. I am surprised that they allow us to watch this as the show has more crazy people on it than in the ward here as a whole. We look around but can't spot her so we move on.

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