Chapter 33

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Chapter 33


"An arcade game house?" I blurted out and wander my eyes inside the house. "Tsk, there's so many people."

I slightly tilted my head and hold the earbud. "Split up and find any entrances leading to the underground basement."

Sinusuri ko ng tingin ang bawat corner ng lugar habang naglalakad. In the surface, you can't tell that this simple arcade game house is actually a front. According to Crystal, bunch of filthy rich gamblers and delinquent young masters gathered in the underground basement. Obviously, it's an illegal casino for wealthy fuckers.

It would be a great jackpot for the prosecutors and police officers if they catch them. But hell, I don't give a fucking care. If they stand in our way, I will surely waste my time and mess with them.

“I think I found the entrance, boss. But..” Ares said on the line. I can sense hesitation in his voice, also add the mild murmurs I hear from the background.

“But what? Saan ka ba banda?” Oreo intercepted.

Tahimik lang akong nakikinig sa kanila.

“Nagkamali lang. Ito yung cr? Thank you ah.”

We heard a long pause before Ares voice resurfaced once again. “Hoo, muntikan na iyon. Boss, sa may stockroom ang entrance. There are three big guys in civilian clothes guarding the area.”

"Thanks, Ares."

“Walang problema, boss.”

I walk passed the second row of the penny arcade and spotted the guys Ares mentioned earlier.

They're obviously stupid. Kung gusto talaga nilang hindi malaman ng iba na may basement doon, they shouldn't make it too obvious by having those big guys standing guard at that door.

I shook my head and smirked.

But judging from their strategy, they're not that skilled. Except for successfully abducting Naha.

Naha can't be abducted that easily. Depende nalang kung may kasama ito na kilala niya. Of course, she would lower her guard if that's really the case.

She can be an idiot sometimes.

But they shouldn't have touch that idiot, so I won't be chasing right at their tail. When I rescue Naha, I will cut those pawns off afterwards, tsk.

Before I can take another step, a loud thud echoed inside the house and it was followed by another.

"Where's my brother?!" A young lad with a piercing on his nose stood fearlessly out front of the guards of the room I'm eyeing for.

This is what you call a fortunate coincidence.

One of the guards tried to approach him but interestingly, he throw a punch so fast that I can't almost see it.

Humilata sa sahig ang guard na bahagya pang nakadilat ang mga mata.

Wala na rin ang mga naglalaro kanina dahil nagsilabasan ang mga ito. That young lad smashed those penny arcades with the chair that was the cause of the loud thud I heard earlier.

“Ultimus, did you see that?”

"Obviously. Ano ako bulag?" I sarcastically replied.

Narinig ko pang mahina itong napamura habang tumawa naman ang iba.

I crossed my arms and watch what will happen next.

The two guys left pulled out their guns. I thought the lad would step back and scram but he didn't. Hindi manlang ito natinag.

ValēreTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon