Chapter 3

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Lila barely slept.

She got up the morning after the night with her landlord and felt awful. Her vagina was painful after how rough Ray was with her and it wasn't a good type of rough. She spent the night curled up, tearful and not wanting to move, until now when she got up and showered, ridding herself of his scent and his ejaculate from her intimacy.

Once she was dressed for her Cafe job,
she made herself some tea and put on the radio, something that cheered her up a little as 'Alive' from Pearl Jam played.

She smiled thinking of Eddie. The sweetness he exuded when he was with her and his calm demeanor. The fact that this booming voice that sounded like a modern Jim Morrison with complex lyrics and an emotional core, came from that sweet man she met just a day before.

Lila put her usual make up on so she felt confident enough to face the day and then packed a bag to take with her to the Beach Hut a little later on.

She was nervous that as soon as she opened the door, Ray would be standing there.
Lila grabbed her portfolio and her bag and turned the door knob and opened it with a little anxiety.

Thankfully he wasn't there, leaving Lila to leave without being hassled.

Walking down the High Street just before her shift, she looked in the windows of many stores, seeing Pearl Jam T shirts for sale, as well as Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Mudhoney, Melvins and Soundgarden ones.
Lila had no idea of how much of an impact these bands had in their respective homeland, all she knew is that she loved the music.
She saw the 'Ten' CD in the store window of HMV, down Queen's Road.
Although it wasnt too expensive, she couldn't realistically fit getting it into her budget if her rent was going to go up. Food and utilities were her main concern after rent.

She wanted to really listen to the debut album of Pearl Jam and the guy she was crushing on.

Lila took a sigh and continued to walk until she arrive at the cafe for work.

After her shift had ended, Lila had the rest of the afternoon free. Fridays were her days off from C&A and The Esplanade, so it was definitely the highlight of her week.

She walked down to The Esplanade and waited for Eddie, although she was half hour early.
The Tour Bus for the band was still parked outside and she had just assumed they have gone to stay at a hotel or something.

Suddenly the doors to the large vehicle opened and Stone walked out looking half asleep with a baggy hooded jacket around him.
He saw Lila and walked towards her with a smile.

"Stone! Hey!" Lila said.

"Hey, you okay?" He replied looking high as a kite. "Love the outfit" he remarked at her short pinafore dress that the female staff wore at Lila's job.

"Yeah, just finished my shift at The cafe. Waiting for Eddie."

Stone's smile reeled itself in a little and he nodded.

"He's on the bus." Stone stated simply, getting a cigarette out of a box that was crumpled in his pocket.
"Want one?"

"Sure, after the week I've had so far that would be great." Lila said, taking a tobacco stick.

They both put the tip of their cigarettes in their mouth, and Stone retrieved a lighter from his jacket pocket, which he used to light them.
As he lit Lila's, they stood closer, Stone feeling her glow and her warmth radiating.

He then lit his own and took a long drag of it before removing it from his mouth with his fore and middle fingers, and blowing the smoke to the side.

Lila wasn't a smoker, but occasionally she would in a social situation like this one.

"So Eddie is in there too? I thought you guys would get a hotel." Lila asks, taking a draw from her cigarette.

"Yeah it's easier. Especially when we are only in one place for a couple of days. Sometimes we do the Hotel thing but the Bus is big enough, and we got our own bunks." Stone explained with a little smile.

Lila liked Stone. He was friendly, his eyes told a story but about which she couldn't tell. He had a wonderful smile, he was reserved and a little shy like Eddie seemed to be, but more so.

"Sounds amazing." Lila responded.

"Yeah...but on the bus....with 4 other guys...the air ain't that fresh in the morning." He chuckles.

Lila giggles with him.
"I didn't think of that"

"You're shivering." Stone stated.

"It's freezing." Lila admitted. "Although I have my cardigan so I'll be fine."

Stone held the cigarette to his lips and took the jacket off, revealing just a short sleeved shirt, and put it over Lila's arms.

"You don't have to! What about you?!" She says feeling a little guilty for even saying she was cold.

"I got another one on the bus. Keep it." Stone replied.

"Thank you." Lila smiled.

Her smile caught Stone off guard and he looked to the ground with a grin.
"You're welcome"

The doors to the bus opened again and out walks Eddie in a Corduroy jacket and shorts, with his DM's on.
His hair was messy and he also looked high.

Lila smiled at him, she loved his wild wavy hair and how much joy his smile gave her.

"Hey! Pretty Lady.." Eddie said.

"Hey" Lila replied, gushing at him.

"Oh I was talking to Stone..." Eddie said jokingly. "I'm kidding, I don't go for guitarists." Eddie laughs.

Lila cracked a laugh with Stone rolling his eyes, with a slight smile.

"No thanks bud...I don't go for the Tarzan type." Stone joked back. "Well I'm gonna go back to the bus. Leave you crazy kids to it."

"What about your jacket?" Lila asked.

"Like I said, I got another one. Keep it." He smiled before getting back on the bus.

"Looks much better on you anyway." Eddie smiled. "You look really nice."

"Thank you, so do you." Lila replied.

"You want me to carry anything while we walk?" Eddie asked, noticing the portfolio and the bag.

"You don't have to..." Lila smiled, feeling honoured that he even asked.

Eddie took the portfolio and placed it under his arm.
"I don't have to, but I want to."

"Thanks, that's really sweet."

Lila was so attracted to this man. The way he looked at her, the things he did for her. She couldn't get him out of her mind, he was the light at the end of a very dark tunnel that she endeavoured to reach for.

"So where we headed?" Eddie asked.

"Shoebury" Lila stated, before they walked along the seafront in bliss together.

Eddie (Eddie Vedder X OFC) /Pearl Jam OCWhere stories live. Discover now